Sunday, July 20, 2008

SF dayshow and Oak early the next morning (jerks)

after batman we totally woke up devon and forced our hyper asses into his sisters tiny living room. He's such a sweetie that'n. We giggled like schoolgirls fer a while and fell asleep. in the morning we slept til later and then got up to go to breakfast. it was a hippy spot like any other on haight street, chalkboard specials, and coloredy stuff everywhere. i.t was ok but pricey and filled me twice so whatevs. then we split up from devon and farted around til showtime. well, actually two hours before showtime cuz the guardian LIED to us. thats what responsible people do with bands they don't know, did you know that? yeah, they'll tell you to show up way early so when you're super late it's not a big deal. not a bad idea overall, but damnit, we are a punctual band! we're always early to everything you bastards! anyway, the show was awesome except we sucked. no one seemed to notice though, but still we didn't change any lives that evening. everyone had a great time and then it was off to the ghostown gallery in oakland where the first thing i see upon entering is Omar from apache fighting with the doorman, who says to him "what band are you in?" to which he replies "thee makeout party!" and the doorguy says "well you're never playing here again". and off they go. this is maybe why when the crappy college funk band was playing, the singer (may or may not have) been flipping me off for a verse, before saying(for sure) "this was sposed to be our last song but F it, let's show these out of town bands how oakland do" and playing forever again. they sucked and were super mean. I saw greg ashley play a little downstairs but somehow forgot who he was and made an ass of myself by the end of the night. we didn't play til like 230 and everyone had left. us and nobunny just switched back and forth between songs and were silly. it was depressing cuz we expected a party and a half but nobunny is a special thing so it was super fun anyway. afterwards we slept in the van in front of michelle's house and audacity went home! aawww! we kinda hugged and stuff but it was weird. i love those guys so much and we got to know eachother a little better and all that good stuff, but you know tours crazy and you're not quite you on vacation anyway so who knows who i met. too bad the parents aren't reading anymore. i was gonna tell'em how proud they should be again.

The best day ever...

We met up with Fever B in a new mustang! hell yeah, Fever B! the 'Stang!! Truck yeah!! Fever B is my songwriter faborida. the Fever's rule and so does Skipper. Pretty perfect little baby pop songs with ridiculously efficient and sad lyrics. He sings super wussy with the girls singin tough and it works like gangbusters. I especially like "When it's over" the best song ever. that's why i like it so much. He also got stuff that you don't get to hear yet but take it from me sucka, it's G O O D! oh my, "pop punk love"? "Don't you worry bout it"? oh me! sorry for bragging. so we rolls out in the stang and heads to the bay. when we gets there they all be shoppin so i just chills. thens some stuffs goes down and we heads over to devrokkens show. we cannot play here and i am a jerk for not recognizing homeboy from infrasonic and the starlite desperation, but they are not funny anyway. sorry. so we goofs around an i loses my wallet but i finds it an then me n DeepV n some other guy who's name started with D started a band that had alex texting me to tell to shut up while we played. he didin't know it was me, he just knew it was stupid. but stupid FUN, dearest alex, fun. So after the crowd dispersed and we calmed the riots down a little it was time to get to the real reason today was the best day ever...The Starlite Desperation!! just kidding The Dark Knight!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!! YAY!!! Hell Yeah! This is gonna be so good, oh wait that's tonite when i see it again with all my friends! but it was so good at midnight in oakland, with an occasional outburst from an overexcited audience member. (I was hoping for a crowded theatre full of loud black people, sorry) rowdy theatres rule! i got to see army of darkness with my brother when i was little and everyone in there were crazy metalheads to me. it was cool! anyway Batman is reall cool and this is easily the best comic movie ever made, which still isn't saying much. But Homeboy kicked the crap out of jack nicholson's weird family ass. Jack wanted to be cool jack and heath deadger (too soon?) wanted to be the joker. Heath wins! He crazy as all getout! So lovely. Did you read The Killing Joke by Alan Moore? it's one of those things you give to someone who doesn't like comics and change them for life. I'd bet 5 daughters Heath read that thing and liked it. he's fun knee! sorry for missing Starlite Desperation and Desperation Wallflower, but we had extra tickets, yo! you should have gone! and screw you AJ for not answering your phone, you jerk. Frak your stupid date, Slack Mafia's in town and Batman's out at midnight, WTF? Anyway it doesn't matter because the joker is so cool. i actually stayed awake! Snap we're almost home!

santa cruz fun day with weird night show in monterey

Matts sister lives next to the boardwalk and she works there so after graciously allowing us to wake her up at 430 and stink up her extra room with our filth and disease, then cook an amazing breakfast that had real waffles, grapes and banannas, a blueberry muffin loaf, orange juice some stuff i fergot i'm sure, and all kindsa dead pig for you depraved mudering sick caveman athiest freaks out there, she took us over there and slapped on some wristbands that entitiled us to a full day of whatever we wanted to do at one of the ten largest theme park kinda things in america attendancewise, or so they say. King Neptune's somethin or other used to be a huge indoor pool and the acrobats would perform above people swimming? i think thats what the wall said. the wall also di.vided the history of the place in 3. prefire, postfire, and post Disney. RUFF RUFF RUFF! rather than resist the daunting challenge Walt Disney had placed on these types of shanty establishments santa cruz got wise and tried to clean up its act. nice try santa cruz, you jankie! it was cool, i watched crap chinese ballet that impressed my inner redneck thoroughly, saw the really old brass ring merry go round (thats when you can reach out once per time around to this arm and grab a ring to throw in the clowns mouth. cool!) Just about the time that got boring I got a call from Matt sayin he ran into...DRUMROLL PLEASE...Devron Winksmith and Associates! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! So we gave them our wristbands and went on our way. I managed to creep out one of Derby's many many sisters in the 2 seconds we spoke, sorry Doven. But the sisters of Deebo are plentiful, fair and both kind and likewise to the eyes, long may his family thrive. Off we went to a strange forest that was like any other forest except it was near the beach and had sand next to the little river. it was cool until sean called and said get down here so thats what we did. when we got there thomas was running up and down the street in my jacket yelling nonsense and we found a good parking spot. alex liked the drummer from the first band the shivas, who were all like 17 but the drummer was like 14. they were good. i'm trying to retype what got lost and i wrote this one real good last time. i dont even wanna any more. read justine by the marquis de sade and apply it to making fun of an old drunk guy yourself.

drive to nowhere

So we're driving and driving we stop and whos there? Deville Dubya! That's right, again! We are destined to be together forever. Devil was all "i'munna get food in ashland we should eat there." so we did and it looked crazy expensive but the menu was just stupid and the guy there (Gepetto's) with the pony tail was a jerk who was not funny no matter what he thought. we learned about chacha which is my new best friend sorry alcohol. the waitress who Dervish and I gave a hard time was new and it was funny, because she hadn't had a million morons berate her with that sort of crap yet. poor waitresses. everyone told me i ordered the eggplant sandwich so thats what i got but i thought i ordered the grilled tofu burger cuz that sounded bomb and i'd just had an eggplant sandwich the day before but i am retarded so it's very possible i said eggplant sandwich. after that we split up and planned on meeting back up with apache who i forgot to mention had been tagging along since seattle. lee took them inn the van an we went in the impala to drive around forever lost until 4 or something in the morning when we finally got to matt's sister's house. around midnight apache called and said no room at the inn. i said motel but everyone was being crazy and stupid and wouldn't listen to me. ha ha ha! we got to matt's sisters and slept in an empty room. i drooled so much and it smelled so bad. and i had sean's jacket on cuz mine was in the van. sorry sean. i was sick! my throat hurt alot strangely, where it usually doesn't hurt. and we'd been driving fifteen hours lost til late at night it makes you crazy. i tried to get a hotel but matt's pull to his sister was a brute force of nature and his secret agenda undermined my attempts to get a mutiny going. it was so gross though, my drool. my whole face and arm would be wet and when i'd raise up there'd be strings of slime from one to the other. id go to the bathroom and wash my face but it doesn't matter your still gross and just gonna do it again.

Portland again. at the East End

So i think i put that the satyricon didn't feed audacity but they didn't feed us either, it was this bar that only fed us (WTF guys?). Anyway the east end had really good food that i already wrote about and they wouldn't give audacity any which i have now written a third time. Audacity wasn't sposed to even play i guess so maybe thats why. sean just told me. after that audacity made everyone really mad, cuz they kept sneaking in. and it was this night that the guy was on the mic in our set. i would be upset too, i guess. i've never had a bar. but i have had a good time watching audacity upset a few. we played and who cares and we got paid and we went to sleep in the same hotel room as before. whomp whomp.

Satyricon Portland

As I write this from the posh hotel Debora (Romeo Void, WHAT?) and Pat put us up in, Audacity are home safe and sound. do you know what that means? that means most of my readership is gone. Why would their parents need to know what happened in portland if the child is asleep in bed? nothing happened at the satyricon anyway. there was a huge crowd outside for the insane clown posse, chanting and having clown makeup on their face. we ate delicious food but audacity wasn't fed anything. we snuck'em something. alex and lee got mad at eachother. we played purty good. someone cried in the mic about audacity needing to leave in the middle of our set and they were'nt even there. and blah blah blah blah moses