Saturday, March 3, 2007

notes from the two

Well we're on the road again and headed to Eugene, Oregon for a show at The Samurai Duck. We're playing with a band called The Filthiest People Alive, so yeah, perfect match.
Last night was great! The Rantouls blew everyone out of the water, great (GREAT!) bubblegum music. We love them. The Time Flys jumped on after them for three songs. Truly an awesome show. We played last, but strings were broken, guitars were out of tune and we were a bit rusty, but we had fun nonetheless. People danced and that's all that really matters. We played for a long time I think, I can never tell. Plus we started around 1:30 am, so it was a late night.
This guy hooked up his guitar to the PA after we were done and was playing trippy-sort of music I guess. I accidentally unplugged him in the middle of a song. Twice. Whoops! His friend got angry at me because I couldn't figure out how to get it back working. So he started moving all of our stuff and I said "Guy, please don't touch that."
Among other highlights of the night was a gun shot across the street from the house we were playing at and a car crash that happened down the block. We heard a car hit something and then a geyser shot up out of a fire hydrant and created a small river in the gutter. We walked down and watched the water shoot up in the air. It was spraying all over the car that crashed into it. Many people gathered and posed in front of the newly created attraction. Our camera didn't have batteries so you'll just have to imagine how cool it was. Also, a guy peed in this mud puddle in front of the house and we watched a girl slip into it, two seconds after Dan said something about stepping in it. On a related note, I accidentally stepped on Dan's hamburger a few nights ago, again, two seconds after he said "I'm going to cry if I drop this hamburger." He dropped, I stepped, Dan got angry.
We stayed the night at Laurel's house last night. After we woke up, we went to eat at Lois the Pie Queen's shop down the street. The food is so good. I bought french toast and hashbrowns and some bites I just sat back a relished in the tastiness.
Inserting breakfast pastry. Warming the syrup. Yum.
Also, on our way out of town two little kids shot cap guns at us from their front yard. We survived.
CURRENTLY LISTENING TO: Nazz's first album