Saturday, August 22, 2009

Boonans Pissed Dude.

i forgot to mention this earlier, but sean brought up something that should be read by others. Two years or so ago we played the Radio Heart Beat festival and this one band who is fairly big in sweden, norway, the netherlands, you know somewhere over seas played with us. Now!!! the singers wife who is just as large over there cuz she is some famous stripper has decided to start a pop career by using My Birthday Suit as her hit single. BULLHONKEY.
Boy howdy! Denver denver denver. Weez got there after hours of bullhonkiing. Pat who is/was our local sound engineer/friend/lovely dude/music man got back with his band Weird Al Qeada to play a show with us at his pals bar. Some pretty bad girl rocker band played first. they talked trash on joey ramones vocals so we decided to play after them so we could make fun of their trashy band. Tight show. fun. Weird Al q was up next. they promoted literacy, did a rendition of the danger zone and pat did the robot. hi-larious.
We stayed the singers house that night. he set out really good chocolate candy cookie things and set up a really good seven person tent. sean and i were the only two who ended up sleeping in there. dunno why.
We are on the grapevine currently so imma finish this up pretty quickly. sorry memories.

"the drive to omaha? did something happen?"

what up boonan!? can you get me bobbys number by chance?
Jokes aside we got to O'leavers Pub in a few hours or so. Dan and i had been there before with another band who lee doesnt want named anywhere relating to makeout party. We both remember it being so funny cuz trapped in the closet was just getting all big which we used to our advantage. who doesnt enjoy making four older white trucker guys watch R Kelley do his shit on a big screen while you play music that makes them angry?
This time there were friends and friends of friends to see us actually. during our set, and this had become a tradition on Mop summer tour '09, dan broke a string. Not altogether funny until you let lee/sean/me ramble about how much of an ass dan is for turning down the opporpoonity (thanks billy) to use the first bands guitar without letting him get a correct say in the matter. No place to hold the strap you say? not funny!
guess who didnt go hang out with the guys and gals (the prarries) afterwards and went immediately to sleep! meeee. i hung up some wet clothes all over trees so they could get aired out and less toxic to us folk in the van then went to sleep. lemme ask what happened that night:
Sean says someone got a pizza and tried to feed it to him while he was asleep. Also they greeted him at the house with a pretty sweater. Dan talked lots. Lee stopped people from drawing on sean.
Thanks go out to the Box elders fer hookin' up the show.

Its really hot outside guys. Wait wait...The wedding ceremony is outside!?

Im really sorry everyone. But i do feel that this needs to be finished and finished soon otherwise it aint gonna get. so guess who? Boozoo i mean alex. thats who!
Its about 11 am, the wedding is schedied to start at 2 pm. Sean and I were not ready at all. A quick shower and run to the nearby thrift store will certainly remedy that. and it did. twenty bucks, two jackets and a shirt later we be looking cute and professional.
daniel james is super rad nice and his wife mary who got married is just as raddly super nice. Perfect couple of rockers. The ceremony went over well besides it being hot all the while and then windy when they were trying to light their everlasting love candles.
We had about two hours to kill before the reception was to take place at a local brewery, so we headed over to a spiffy hotel with everyone else, still all spiffy looking. I ordered everyone a dirty martini which dan said i did incorrectly cuz there was vodka in it, not gin. Like the rock n roll adventure kids i enjoyed this drink oh so much. Im assuming that it really has to do with when i was a kid my mom always bought the little green olives with the red dealy in the middle and for a reason unknown to all, i used to drink the juice and think it was super good. im still feeling that delicousness that is a dirty martini.
Two hours and three martinis that no one would finish later we were slated to play in this brewery we actually took a tour of a year ago. Free beer was flowin, my red face a showin. Goodnight loving played before us. that made me feel pretty comfortable not being the first doods up. we played a great set i think. after us, this japanese punk band, blotto, who was flown down just fer the occasion played. then this band everyone knew about called the ergs played. good times were had by all!!
The after party wasnt really a party unless you are sean or me and really enjoy mystery science theater 3000 video tapes. I do enjoy them cuz i am alex and that party was my favorite by far! damn that show rocks. also my arms are hurting from pressing up against this laptop for two hours of "blogging" weeeeeee!

Faux bunnies

Welly well wel well...Lets see here. I tried my best to get someone else to write down a few words and lee was the one who grabbed the torch of love. His grip wasnt very tight and it seems that the torch fell back onto my lap after what he jotted down "erased" somehow.
Onto tomorrow! The only thing anyone can recall about the morning after millys basement show was waking up, doing more laundry and walking in on lee in another basement asleep on the floor. We drove back to...(oh damn i just remembered but before we left, Dave (from the box elders) had brought everyone grapes. sean pigged out because they were delicious.) ...Justbunnies house in chicagogo where we ate oven-baked pizza and watched two more episodes of lost. Nobunnies got in our van, minus justin who was feeling ill since before elk burgers the other day, and we were off to the show. Packed full of gross men we arrived at the Bottom lounge. There was some b-day party and another show going on so we got something to eat at the bar. On the tube was Army of darkness so sean and i geeked out fer a bit. Oh yeah, jackie who is totally awesome for looking after my kitties back home, was still with us and ordered a veggie burger. SUCKED. not only cuz it was a veggie burger, but because it came with a tangy hummus sauce that ruined the whole dish.
Line-up tonight: Yolks, Rock 'n Roll adventure kids, Thee MOP, Nobunny?.
The yolks were just great. sean explains the yolks as "Nobunny covering one of their songs so they're good and also they're poppy punk with more pop than punk. You know...a rock and roll band."
Rock n roll kids - Its Marcos and billy who are brothers and are also two of three backing members from nobunny when we arent stealing that tag. Blew me away. In yer face good time rock/roll superb! i really enjoyed them.
Us - it was alright. its pretty neat that all the kids are singing along to songs.
uhhhh... Nobunny - Lemme tell you about this here night. So after we play i see billy hanging out talking with the stage crew fools. and not like, "hey this show is great" talk, but "fuck...Justin just texted me and said he is sick and wont make it now. He turned his phone off too." People all over were freakin out a bit. This is where we get to the fake bunny part. it was so entertaining to watch all of this come to fruition, i wish you all were there. Supposedly nobunny has come across this little problem before and i think someone like Jasbunny (the guitar player) just sang. This time he did not want to. Also he did not want to pay for the drinks that he had stacked up in nobunnys name. What to do!?! Oh. lets get some paper and make a nobunny mask for the yolks singer to use while being faux bunny. amazingly enough, everything went over extremely well. tons of people cheering, dancing, screaming "You aren't NOBUNNY!" in the front row, Nathan/Fauxbunny screaming back at them to "SHUT THE FUCK UP IN THE FRONT ROW!@!!", sean having a blast and dan wishing he was nathbunny.
Now, one would think that could not be topped, but after parties can get a little outta HAND. especially when they involve roman candles that backfire. Once again i went to the van to nap whilst others went to a house full of loud people with irritable roommates.
I woke up relatively early with eight people wanting in the van at once. They had sullen faces. all of them. Which i thought is pretty strange cuz one of them had a box of donuts with em. Only after dan told me about being kicked out of the house at six in the morning because one of the yolks brought out a firework that exploded making a terribly loud noise and a terribly messy job of his hand did the upset moods make sense. Fun fun fun in the sun sun with us on the run run run. Back to Milwaukee for the wedding which we booked the entire tour around. new post? yes!

The first milly show and then some.

Alex here again. dan does not want to write out any more blogs for the time being, which i totally understand bcuz the front seat is not at all fun when it comes to using seans laptop.
what have we listened to today? the dwarves! dolly mixture! something else and some stuff and now the descendents(im pretty sure they didnt spell their name correctly). oh yeah, dillard and clark. sean is D'in up the ipod of love.
SO! we left off at Justbunnies parents house. his dad had a guitar with a built in synthesizer of sorts where you could turn a nob which changed its tuning and made it to a twelve string and stuff. pretty crazy. apparently too crazy because they stopped making them right after the starting of making them. man i can vividly remember being in 7th grade math class talking about how awesome the descendents drummer is. years later he is still great.
i got this great picture of some painting justbunnies brother did of his family when he was a kid. too bad youll never see it. everyone is brown bcuz they used paper mache or something, but he painted his face white because he is white. made me giggle to the extreme. we had some beer his pops offered us then we took off (with justbunny driving his mombunnies car) to milwaukee for a basement show. basement shows in milwaukee are fun to the extreme. every time. milwaukee is known fer lots of beer and drinking. they have lots of bars and brewerys. they also have some sort of deal with these bars and brewerys where- the city stops selling beer at nine pm so the bars and brewerys will have more attendants. logical in a jerkish way.
we got to the city, people had to pee and lee had eight minutes to purchase some beer for errone. Marcos took a potty at a BK which in turn forced me to go potty in a bush behind a BK.
Everyone met up at the "vault"(one of the sixteen-thousand basements in Milly). Drinks and hugs were had, mayb not in that order. im real sleepy right now. elaboration! i bought two tall-cans to down so i may sleep on the way home and then was given the blog to finish. watch out for falling suck.
It was damn hot in the basement and i was unable to really get a good viewing of the Box elders. if you have not had the chance to get a good viewing of the box elders i highly suggest it. that drummer plays not only drums but also a keyboard. makes me look like a child sucking on a mammas tit. REFERENCEs will be had for all in the van! muahahahahahahaha. anyways that band is really great and i think sean and lee are gunna put out a tape soon. Yea BOY! low can you go!?
ummm...oddly enough it was the tightest show for me personally. i do believe it has something to do with not being on large stage ten feet away from my band members butts. very sweaty tho. the set ended with me walking up stairs making squishy sounds cuz there was a puddle of sweat in each of my shoes. Fever B made a video of a song from the show on U-tubey. silly. two tracks up that hill! Devo is on. have you guys checked out seans ipod? its got more space full of music than my entire pc has of everything combined. this is one of the few shows where i sold merchandise. feeling uncomfortably sweaty has been a problem for me in these past two years. silly. people liked nobunny is what dan says.
Sickly Justbunny and a few went back to his mums house to drop off the car and get some sleep. oh yeah! it was my turn for a "b-day" during the show and i got lots of stuff. shout out to logan for having a spiffy name, nice attitude and gifts! before people went to sleep everyone (minus sean and me) danced and made drunk jokes at some bar down yonder. while they were doing that i was at the van getting out smelly, smelly very smelly clothes to launder. During my pungent (thanks dan) journey three gentlmen crossed my path Two were pushing one along. That one was covering his head with a hand. When removed i spotted a copious (thanks books) amount of blood on the hand and head. About twenty seconds later a large fellow with a beer bottle tucked behind his back followed in pursuit. About ten seconds after that! another large fellow follwed him. But this man brandished his beer bottle like that of a knight on horseback staring down a jouster across the way. The first large fella witha bottle stopped near me and gave a few "im upset and drunk and large and also have a backwards hat" looks at me, while the other bottled boy walked urgently towards the three nonbottled guys. one of the NB'd (nonbottled) guys stopped to talk with the B'd (bottled) pursuer about how "this is fucked! We dont want to fight!!! You pushed us out!!!!" Oddly enough this worked and the B'd guy chasing em down turned around. Then the other guy looks at me again with his "WHAT DAWG!?" expression. i venture into the van where it is dark and there are no mean drunk bros. All of a sudden the two B'd fellows start running in the opposite direction of all this mess and i step out of the van to pick up some clothes that need a washin'. Finally and most confusingly, a NB'd black dude with one pant leg rolled up, started chasing the three "victims" up a hill and into the darkness. I grabbed my stuff and went inside. end scene and first night of Milly.