Thursday, March 15, 2007

notes from the thirteen

Travis and Georgia's band - Blue Bird

Wherefore art thou Sean? I’m right here!
We woke up bright and early and prepared for a day of chores. Crystal would be our tour guide for the day. She took us to breakfast first and paid for it, what a gal! Thanks Crystal! She then directed us to a Jiffy Lube where we got an oil change for our precious van. My shoe dripped oil all over their floor. It was leaking out of my shoe. Not sure how, so don’t ask. We then went looking for a drive through car wash. We found one a couple of miles down the road (no thanks to the Jiffy Lube guy) and got to sit in the van as all sorts of colorful soaps were sprayed over us. It was fun! Lee was very proud of how nice our van looked afterwards. He kept circling her saying, “She looks great!”
Record shopping was next on our agenda, Brian had been buying all the good records while we were recording, so fuck that sleepy little cat. But we managed to find a couple keepers. I got Blue Angel (Cyndi Lauper’s first band, been looking for it for awhile) and I also found records by Bobbie Bubbles, who covers The Archies and other hits of the day (like some Puf’n’stuff songs) and an album by The California Poppy Pickers who also cover hits of the day (including a rendition of 1910 Fruitgum Company’s Special Delivery from their Indian Giver album, sweet!). Lee bough Dan the Turtles’ Battle of the Bands LP (Great!) and he bought Crystal Tommy James’ Cellophane Symphany album (I haven’t heard it yet, but someday I’ll find it for a dollar).
After records we attempted to go practice at the It’s a Secret studio where we recorded. It did not go to well. No, not well at all. Dan was very sleepy. I was pissed off. Lee was annoyed. Alex was the same happy-go-lucky guy he always is. So we ditched practice after awhile and headed back home. Alex, Lee and I watched the rest of “The Dead Talk Back” episode of MST3K, then a little Kinks DVD and finally finished the night with an episode of Fawlty Towers. Around 8:30 we headed to our show at The Hexagon Bar. We said “Hi” to The Pop Machine and then Georgia and Travis pointed us in the direction of a bowling alley that served burgers, so we walked down a block and ate some food. Lee was charged $12 for his meal, to which he said “Twelve dollars?!” Shouldn’t have gotten that bacon, soda and onion rings friend! While we were eating, they were having a Guitar Hero 2 competition. We kept yelling “Play Surrender!” But all they wanted to play along with was Kansas and Wolf Mother, blech.
So we walked back to the show and saw The Pop Machine play, we’ll be playing with them for four or so more times. Thanks to them for helping us out with some shows!
Then Dan woke up, we played and it went much better than our shitty practice. People danced, fun was had, couldn’t ask for more. So we sold a bunch of stuff, which was nice, and made a chunk of change. Cha-ching! We also met some of the dudes from Boys Club, they’re playing the Power Pop Fest in New York too. We like them. Bluebird played too, which featured Travis and Georgia, as well as the bass player from the Hypsteryz. Lee loved him. “What’d you think about that guy?” Asked Sean from his seat in shotgun.
“He was amazing. Fuckin’, living legend. True American original. Die hard rock 'n' roller with a white bandana, handlebar mustache and steady as a rock. He never blinked once!” Replied Lee from the driver’s seat.
So once the night was over we said our goodbyes to everyone (whom we’ll be seeing again once we get to New York), climbed in the van and headed back for our last night in the apartment. Did we mention that the White Stripes, Nikki Corvette, Tina, The Fevers and many more people we love stayed in that apartment too? We shared the same shower.
So we listened to records for a little bit before we went to bed. I fell asleep while everyone was still hanging out so I’m not sure how long everyone stayed up. Everyone is sleeping in the back of the van right now so I’m assuming it was another late night. See you tomorrow.

notes from the twelve

Dave and the gang
recordings all done! thanks everyone!!

Sean here.
Lessee, we missed a day so gimmie a minute to let my mind reach back a couple days and pull out a few memories.
Ok, we woke up and ate at the Neighborhood Cafe. The food's still good. Then we started on our last day of recording! Everyone was nervous because we had so much to do and so little time. Dan did all of his piano stuff during the day and it sounded great! While he did that Alex and I watched the new episode of Battlestar Galactica. T'was another great episode and it featured Mark Sheppard who played Badger on Firefly, nerd connection!
When Dave showed up around 6pm we ate some pizza. It was OK, not my thing; too "adult" for me, as Lee put it. So what if I don't like spinach on my pizza?
We finished up the vocals that night. Skipper came in and they recorded some vocals for the "ooh la las" on 2EZ2LVU, sounded great! It was the last thing we recorded. So we're done! Our record is left in the hands of Travis and Dave who we're hoping will do a bang up job mixing it and make us sound great! They better...or else! We'll get a rough copy in New York. We're planning for a July release. So our fingers are crossed. After we were done recording we went out to the Hexagon bar and hung out with Brian and Crystal from Skipper, fun times! I played pinball, but I suck.
So we went home, hung out a bit more and watched a little MST3K before we hit the hay.
So I suppose that's it for recording. We really hope it sounds good in the end. Please make it sound good Travis!
P.S. No harmonica thing on Birthday Suit!