Thursday, July 24, 2008

best wedding ever (last day of tour)

So as you may or may not know, thee makeout party has had our hands in some celebrity romance this year! yup, being big fans of VH1, and all sorts of po(o)p culture, we thought we'd try a little mind control ourselves. Just kidding, but really, Pat and Debora, who's wedding we played, totally bonded over us when they first met! Cute! Do you know how we met Debora? Sean saw her on the freeway and recognized her from Romeo Void so he pulled over when she got gas! what a creep! but he gave her a CD and she liked it, and when the fates decided to cross her path with Pat's, he was armed and ready with a love of thee makeout party all his own, booyah! How did we meet Pat, you ask? well, he's a beach boys fan, so naturally when he heard about The Explorer's Club he had to go check it out. After missing us at our show with them in LA, Pat, being the sweet dude he is, got invited to a party the next day which happened to be at Alex's house! he saw us and loved us! They totally fell in love after that! It's so sweet! you should see those two, they all lovey dovey an whatnot. speaking of in love, have you heard devon williams? So we were offered the honor of performing at their wedding and we got paid like mad cash, son! Also Pat is all into recording and he wanted to give us a special present. He got a portable 8-track reel to reel right when he first started getting down and it changed his life! So now he wants us to hang on to it and get our start the same way he did with the same machine (only with more good kharma). What a precious baby lambakin he is! Thank you Pat and Debora! So when we got to the Four Season's in Fresno, they already had pizza and buckets of beer for us, along with 2 rooms right next to the pool! oh it was sweet! i ate like 6 slices of pizza and drank about 4 glasses of ranch. you can call me Drank or Danch if you like, i'm known to answer to both. I prefer Drank. So we relaxed and lagged and soundchecked a little and lagged some more, the we all got real pretty and went to the wedding. a wedding! go to a different bar every night for a month and a half for at least 5 hours, then go to a wedding and see if you don't feel the opposite of how you did. it was awesome. i'd forgotten that audacity were not the youngest people on earth, this place actually had children inside. It was awesome. I love weddings, even though they make me think about how i'm a selfish, destructive idiot with no hopes of ever getting over my bullshit long enough to be able to make a life with someone. They're so romantic! I liked when i had to go cry in the bathroom and then come out and be "the kid in the band" again, oh Bob, how i wanted to die! Really a beautiful ceremony. They had their own vows, which to me, is dangerous territory, to me. but it wasn't even cheesy (although i'm not a good judge of these things) it was hardcore! after they kissed and had their first dance there were the best man/woman speechs then a lil intro and then yours truly. It was scary! i knocked over my glass of champagne before we even played! that is scary! We didn't know what Uncle John was gonna think, much less Grandma, cousin Steve and lil Elisa. But they dug it! Hooray! We rocked like 3 generations at once, brah, sappenin? The flower girl grabbed the mic before we started and was all like "everybody DANCE!" just like Prince and then everyone did. I couldn't sing (my voice is still gone)but it didn't matter cuz Alex was holdin it DOWN back there. Alex is like 5 or 6 different drummers, did you know that? it's true, we get down all kindsa ways i can't explain in a blog. This night, Ally was keepin the Psycho caveman thing you all love so much in check, leavin the beats open for little RnB, funk flourishes that most drummers never hear (most drummers suck). Both of Devon's drummers are good though. But not as good as Mighty Alex! He's like Thor, you know, other drummers will try to borrow sticks, but they can't lift them off the ground, only the Holy Son of Odin has the right. So after my voice really started to go, we took a little break and came back fer the second set, which was just like the first ony without the nerves cuz we already were havin fun. Fun Fun Fun! After that it was all Jacuzzi's and good vibes before a lovely sleep in comfy ass beds. I'm sorry for wanting to be comfortable all the time. I like eating and sleeping, myself. I know it's not punk, alright? Don't I have enough punk points yet? Seriously though. I used to justify my bloggin with the fact that everyone else in the band did it, and then i said "well it's cuz i got these long drives and nothing to do" but i'm home now, not driving, and all i wanna do is listen to Devon Williams and blog. So, it's just gonna get more embarrassing. I hope i don't end up with the longest blog of all time. everyone will know what a self absorbed, boring person i am! oh no...