Wednesday, August 12, 2009

the inevitable letdown of post roburrito's

they showered us with rose petals at rob's house! it was crazy. they had tic tacs and mints (for the makeout party) but nobody kissed anybody they weren't expecting to (as far as i know). i know you heard already but it bears repeating. YAY Rob and Tyler's house!!!! after that we went somewhere else. somewhere not magical. where was it again? columbus ohio, to play cafe bourbon street with our pals Daycreeper, who were just dandy. i was so hungry! also i felt really sad and awkward all day, what was that all about? maybe i was just hungry. so when we got there we were stoked cuz that place feeds you proper! since i was half crazed with hunger and crippling depression i ordered some crazy thing because it had two hot dogs in a bun. it's sometimes called a double dog, but only in my kitchen. anyway since i didnt read the fine print i didnt know it came with cole slaw and barbecue sauce all over it. i scraped it off and ate my double dog plain, which was fine. the vegan chili is super tight too. so we played to almost nobody and almost nobody cared but we turned a few heads and made some scratch from our merch. after many free drinks and apologies we loaded up with 2 six packs of tall cans (free from the bar) and headed to our friend La UU Ra's house which is more of a castle, because she is royalty in some country you've never heard of.just playin. so we chatted til the wee hours and went to sleep. all in all it was a cool night, but we we're like "yo where nobunny at?"