Monday, March 5, 2007

notes from the four

Last night we played at Dunes bar in Portland and had a great show, hung out with the bartender Mark and had a great time and saw our friends the Unit Breed play. Then Joe from Unit Breed offered us a couch to sleep on at his house. He wouldn't be there, but his roommates (all girls) kindly offered us access to their home. So I laid down on their couch and fell asleep as people hung out upstairs, listened to music and generally mulled about. Then I woke up to screaming. Angry screaming. I heard a girl yell something about "spray paint," a "refrigerator" and "get out of my fucking house!"
It seems Dan was spray painting one of the housemates' stencils on the back of his jacket (it said "cock rocket" with a picture of a penis) in their kitchen. Unfortunately the spray paint can exploded, paint was spilled and when one roommate came in they saw spray paint on the floor and the refrigerator and they assumed Dan had been adding a bit of his flair to their kitchen. She was no happy. No one was. I laid in my sleeping bag while everyone was screaming at eachother, roommates said "fuck this! I'm moving out!" Meanwhile Dan attempted to scrub the paint off the floor and fridge, while the girl who was REALLY pissed (pictured with the refridgerator in question) yelled "You're lucky we don't crack your heads open!" Then she punched the wall, knocked over something big and stormed out of the house with a slam. That was the point where I got up, rolled up my sleeping bag and got ready to spend the night in the van. I apologized and hearded Dan and Brian (who had paint all over his hands) out the door.
So we were kicked out of the house at 3 or 4 am and forced to sleep in our van on the streets of Portland. I slept in the drivers seat, Brian slept in shotgun, Lee slept on the back seat and Dan and Alex shared the middle seat. I woke up around 8am and we drove to The Holiday Motel, where I'm writing this from. We slept till 1pm and then Lee and I drove to some record stores and ate some delicious hamburgers. Tonight we're playing at The Towne Lounge with Oh No! Oh My! and The Ocean Floor. Should be a good show, I think.
CURRENTLY WATCHING: Deadwood; then Lost, Heroes and Battlestar Galactica.
P.S. Dan says he's sorry.