Tuesday, March 20, 2007

notes from the road...day eighteen

Fake outhouse awesomeness
Mr Bushs abode

Or as many will come to call it: "Day of Marinated Greatness"
This is only a few seconds after Dan pressed publish so it both him and myself having fun with the internets. We had a pretty good day to look foward to as we drove outta Ms. Sipy's town. Dan's father, Gordon, and his wife, Denise, were expecting us for a day and uh half. We just had a minute talk about commas after that sentence. Aren't we just a crazy bunch? Sean started out driving and about half way to Georgia we stopped for a potty break at some gorgeous rest stop. After stretching our legs and other appendages, Sean spoke with Dan 'bout Lee being in a bad mood when asked to finish the drive. So, Dan thinking it would be a great gesture of friendliness, jumped in the drivers seat which caused, what I thought, was one of the most comical arguements between Lee and Dan yet. It involved lots of yelling from the two about eachothers driving. More so of Lee's from Dan's point of view. I'm quite sure what happened next is what set me off in my own paradise of uncalled for happiness. The ordeal ended with Lee giving Dan the most awkwardly mean and unxpected hug from behind I've ever seen in my life. It might have even been the only one I've ever seen actually. Very intense but odd for it was a hug. Maybe he was trying to sufficate him with love I dunno. You crazy Lee.
The drive itself was fine. There was a bumpy moment or two, but it was Dan's first driving moment and windy so anything Lee said was basically out of hate and not truth. Terribly, terribly funny for me however. "Oh! Everything's falling apart now." - Lee after a sharp turn had made a box fall over. Dan's reply: "It was the first turn I have ever taken in this van." Also take note people, the men and women driving the highways of Georgia are a bunch of jerks. With their constant swirving in and out of lanes. Tsk tsk.
The closer we were getting to Mr. Bush's house, the more excited everyone was getting. We took some wrong turns and I listened to a funny call between father and son about what highway goes east/west and not south/north. Soon, we were driving small roads winding 'round what Dan has labeled "waterin' holes" and lookin at houses surrounded by little forests. We arrived at Gordon's self-built cabin of love. I had expected something I built with lincoln logs when I was a kid, but to my amazement it is a truely lovely house, almost jaw dropping. Next, the greetings and the makings of home. Lee was outta the van and into the bathroom before i had tied my shoes. Dinner was a knock-out. Sean's mother, Patty, has a contender it seems. Marinated chicken, char-swiss or swiss-char dan says (it was like a mellower spinach) with bellpeppers and onions, a rice like jasmin but more aromatic, and our choice of red stripe beer or sweet tea. The ignorant ones chose the beer. We chatted a bit then headed out on a path through the Bush's land for a pleasant hike. The Bush family, it seems, own quite a bit of land out there. "A couple acres," Dan says unsurely. I had wanted to walk til I could no longer, but I heard a bunch of cries from a bunch of babies about it getting dark so we turned around and headed back. On the way back I opted for the paths that were not cleared so I ended up with thorns from a briar patch (prolly black berry bushes) all over my pants. Those buggers hurt I tells ya. We chatted and loaded in and out laundry throughout the night. Towards the end of it all, a few of us had a three hour ping-pong session. Sean and Mr. Bush ended up destroying Team Danlex (the defending champions). Afterwards came sleep time for most. Big and little Bush talked and looked over old pictures for some time before hitting the hay. It was a great day for all. Also, Brian tried out his snoring strips unsuccessfully. Too bad for those light sleepers. Til tomorrow kiddos!
luv, alex
ps. hi dad.

notes from the road...day seventeen

say goodbye to mickey, dan
Sleepy kitty. Aka - Brian

Wull hullo thur! It's dan here wif mah brudder al, an we gonna tell yuh a lil bit bout whut we ben up to. yeehaw (gunshots)! so when is brian gonna write a blog? oh whenever you ask, says brian. ok how bout today's? sure. brian is asleep. the drive to jackson mississippi was long fer me. i was cranky i think. ya herd bout the gum'n'whatnot so thats pretty much that. two rednecks wouldn't stop staring at us forever at the gas station. at first i was all "what!?" but they won, i got nervous. we got greedy in traffic after our gum success, and got ourselves an empty can off another stranger. the drive sucked. we arrived in jackson and it was dead and ugly and there was trash everywhere like blanchard after a bad party. we made our way to w.c. dons and the owner terry told us since no one (NO ONE) was there he'd rather we didn't play. instead it was hot dog time! alex was bummed so he went wandering around the town. i was bummed so i ate a hot dog. the streets have like, real fire gaslamps for lights, alex said. and terry's hot dogs are fantastic. he thinks he's paying tribute to nathan's in new york but his are far superior in everyway. I hate you louis! you phony new york jackass! anyhoo, we ate and drank a beer and hoped people would show up or the bar next door would let us play or the people inside would take us with them to the drag show or ANYTHING! but no, it was not to be. we heard about terry's hot dog cooking techniques and tastes. he's eaten hot dog's for two years now and he's not sick of 'em. jus a lil yellow mustard and sometimes some onions but thats it. the weasely dirtbag soundguy, who introduced himself as the black sheep of the peavey family, got my new mickey mouse sweater off of me! sometimes i have problems saying no. the rest of the band is sure im an idiot. after he asked for it and i said yes, i realized how retarded i was being. i even asked for it back and he said yes, but then when he asked again, poof, big baby jesus comes out an gives it right back again! there is something wrong with me. i hated that guy an he was treating me like i was some rich kid with sweaters to burn. peavey sucks and their tweak addict nephew is even worse. so lee and alex swooped up the prime van real estate and sean, brian and i slept in the stinky bar. brian says there were like families hanging out at 2 in the morning. weird. sean and lee had some half assed adventure at the bar next door but screw it. we still gotta write another one for yesterday.
listening to the burrito bros and trex