Sunday, July 20, 2008

Satyricon Portland

As I write this from the posh hotel Debora (Romeo Void, WHAT?) and Pat put us up in, Audacity are home safe and sound. do you know what that means? that means most of my readership is gone. Why would their parents need to know what happened in portland if the child is asleep in bed? nothing happened at the satyricon anyway. there was a huge crowd outside for the insane clown posse, chanting and having clown makeup on their face. we ate delicious food but audacity wasn't fed anything. we snuck'em something. alex and lee got mad at eachother. we played purty good. someone cried in the mic about audacity needing to leave in the middle of our set and they were'nt even there. and blah blah blah blah moses

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