Sunday, December 23, 2007

wookena woorioa

so...funny time! ha ha ha!! we are on our way home from a lovely weekend spent with our friends up north there in the bay area. little tony (Antonio Marco Santos) just spoke from the back seat, reminding me that he came with. sean is reading this as i type and it's making me nervous, and want to write better (funnier). he says it should. also along for the ride home are Alana and Kathy, whom you all know from the pinks/fevers etc.
we left friday afternoon after lagging like always, so we missed the last gasp christmas party, which we heard was cool. oops. we came real close to forgetting tony and sat in traffic for two hours before getting out of LA. next stop in n out then i woke up to us being kinda lost in san francisco. there was a road closed or something so i'm all like "yo marty, chill these fools out an tell'em where they be." an he's all "ok turn right." we got there a little before the show started and found out how little Buzzer are, raising our hopes that little tony (Antonio Marco Santos) could weasel his underage lil self in there. and it worked! the front door guy passed the buck to the inside door girl, who was kinda like "well, ya got this far". we had a drink with some familiar faces and spotted a bunch more coming in.san francisco rules like that, son! up first were Buzzer, which is andy from the cuts and time flies (who are both awesome as you undoubtedly know already, being the savvy gent you are) with two little children on drums and bass. they play well (it was their first show) and are ridiculously good looking. the drummer stared out at the crowd never blinking, and when he'd get to you you had to look somewhere else, it was too much. someone kept yelling "punk band!" at them. then the lights came on and i found fifty cents on the ground, kaching! then when we set up there were burned copies of metallica and somethin else i don't remember. they stayed where they were. when we played it was cool! we laughed and sang and danced along with everybody. hooray! then i bought a drink and the bartender made a good one. hooray! devon williams was up next and i don't think he had a good time but i enjoyed it. outside i started to tease him about not playing the party in oakland the next day but he wasn't havin it so i stopped right quick. they got some hit's though, boy! buy what you can find! we're listening to the violinny one right now, it's lovely. sean totally just criticized me for writing too much! he's like "my, we did alot of stuff that day."! then i got all defensive an he's all "i'm not critisizing you or anything, here let me save it in case anything bad happens." but he saw me suspiciously eyeing his fingers so he couldn't erase it, ha! then we went to sleep.

Alright Danny boy! You had your fun, it's time to scooch on over and let Sean the College Graduate take over. I'm like the headliner of this blog; my name would be at the top of the marquee on this one. That's a lot of responsibility, you know? I have to finish this, but I have to do it better than Dan. I hope I'm not building this up too much, I hope I'm not crushed under the weight of this tremendous responsibility bestowed upon me! Let's find out...
I awoke on the cold, hardwood floor of Laurel's house. My back hurt, my bones ached and I painfully maneuvered myself to an upright position to see our little friend Tony's sleepy eyes staring back at me. He looked well rested. That's probably because he slept in a bed. With sheets. And a pillow. I hope you enjoyed it Tony. You obviously deserved it when you drove us up there and played a show...oh wait, no you didn't. You just slept the whole ride. Good on you Tony. Good. On. You.
Well, we woke up, milled about the house, brushed our teeth and made ourselves presentable for the outside world. We hoofed it to Lois the Pie Queen for breakfast (because we love them). They are our "special friends." They gave us a card that said so. Our waitress either really liked us or was playing us for fools because she kept giving us "the look". There was much blushing at the table and then she touched my arm! Lee was jealous. Our breakfast was so very delicious, I got french toast with fresh strawberries. Lee was jealous.
We walked to Tina's house after we had our fill of Lois the Pie Queen. We were going to leave her a note instead of showing up unannounced, but then we heard Elvis Costello blasting from her house so we went up and gave the door a knock. She answered but said she had to go to work so we gave her the card anyway and then went back to Laurel's house to use the bathroom. Good times. We drove to Ameoba in Berkeley to maybe find some Christmas presents, but I just ended up getting some stuff for myself (sorry family!). I got The Vipers, which looked cool and we think they were on the Children of Nuggets compilations, Don and the Good Times, which looked gummy and Guided by Voices' Bee Thousand album. I recently got into Rob Pollard and all of his's so good! Lee got an awesome Status Quo box set of their Pye years. $12 for 3 CDs, can't beat it! We went to Tina's shop "Down at Lu Lu's" after that and hung around for a bit. Dan bought a Traditional Fools 7". He also bought a Cyndi Lauper trading card pack and we were joined by a homeless person on our way to the Smokehouse hamburger joint and Dan showed him his cards to which he started singing "Bums just wanna have fun fun!" It was really, really fun in a bummy kind of way. We ate at the Smokehouse (yum) and then headed back to Laurel's house where we spent the next 4 hours watching Mystery Science Theatre 3000 DVDs with Benny the Roommate (who was awesome). We watched Time Chasers, Legend of Boggy Creek 2 and a part of Merlin's Shop of Mystical Wonders (Merlin is creepy, yo!). Benny and I were the only ones awake by the fourth hour. So nuts to everybody else. At 9pm we went to the show at Carlos' house. It was the total opposite of a really depressing shitty time! So much fun! Lots of friends showed up! That night we were playing with NoBunny (who we love very much) and The Rantouls (who we love even more! (sorry NoBunny))! We've been looking forward to it for a very long time, and for good reason! It was happiness personified! Lots of kids packed into a tiny room blasting forth with good music! NoBunny played first and ruled! Rantouls followed him with a healthy dose of awesomeness and we played last! We played our new songs and kids were singing along (not to the new songs, dummy!) and dancing and having a good time. We were scrunched in this little corner with a giant "D" and a picture of Twilley and Seymour taped to it. I'm glad they were there for the show. I'm also glad Brian Hermasillo, Alana and Kathy were able to drive up that day to come to the party and have a good time! So we hung out for a little bit after the show, met Brian Glaze who was funny (and on drugs) and then there was the puddle at the party. But this was no ordinary puddle, no. This was an evil puddle. It would just sit there and wait for drunk people to fall in. Many did, I saved Dan's life as he was about to take a step backwards into it. Alana stepped in it. Someone peed in the puddle, but don't tell her because that's gross. We went home around 2:30 and I fell asleep on the couch. Tony slept in the bed again. Nice.