Tuesday, July 15, 2008

SLC PUNK! then...Candyfest Seattle

So after i blogged I was hungry and walked to buger kang where they got the veggie burgers, but they wouldn't serve me cuz i did not have a car. i was too hungry to even fight em for it. that show was boresville, though! nobody came in from outside, and i guess the people inside liked us, but i didn't like them, so screw it. Our poor friends in F the Informer lost mad money on having rented the place and a PA that didn't really work. Oh well, F the Informer are cool and Audacity is cool and we are cool, so the show was pretty cool over all. But man, I was Hoongra! I paid like $4 fer a little thing of white rice and a side of teriyaki sauce. It was delicious but i needed like 3 more of them and i have no money. Yeah, can you believe that? Lee totally lied to us and made us give him our last dollars for gas on the long drive to Seattle. So i now have no money whatsoever, and have been eating handfuls of other peoples snacks and whatever free food we can get off the bars. Frak you Lee! You have a gas card and have spent at least a hundred on records! I'm frakking hungry Lee! I have $2 dollars that i stole off of the ceiling at the Comet (it's a magic trick they do there) and i'm too scared to spend it cuz maybe i could actually be hungrier than this later. How many dollars did you spend at the clubs yesterday, Lee? I'm stealing that money back. And then I'm gonna eat like you do. Anyway (sorry), after the show we went to Brian's house. He's our friend from Anaheim, back in the day and whatnot so we chilled out. they had a gorgeous sounding electric keyboard, and a hearse filled with mannequin legs. But don't try to sleep in the hearse, it smells awful! The next day we woke up later than we were supposed to and got breakfast at the diner Brian works at. I got an in no way remarkable omelette with tomatoes avocado cheese and spinach. Oh man it was good! I'm so hungry! Thank you Brian. Free food rules! After eating we got on the road and drove forever. Alex and Sean were all grumpy or something and they just boned out and ditched us, so that they could go to, wait for it, the stupid ass cracker barrel. So while they were having second glasses of chilled lemonade and eating essence of pink, i'm handing Lee my last $100 and wondering if they were gonna bother grabbing some extra biscuits (they didn't). I hate not having money. what am i gonna do? we don't have a show tonite so i really doubt a bar will be giving me food. But I digress. We got to seattle 13 hours later, at like 1230, and went to a warehouse show that sub pop was throwing to meet up with our friend Darlene. After being in the van all day we were stoked to have something to do. We got all hyphy and busted outta the van just in time to hear the cops over the loudspeaker tellin everyone to disperse. Haiee! I guess the cops rushed the stage where comets on fire were playing and grabbed the guy who owned the place, threw him in the back of their car, and told everyone to go home or he goes to jail. i think. we were only there ten minutes, tops. But we saw Darlene and her bandmate Aubrey, who was clearly not overjoyed to see us. Sorry Aubrey. We went back to Darlene's tiny, beautiful house from the 20's, filled it up with sleeping bags then slept. The next morning was nice for me. I woke up super early in the van and started reading a book i'm liking called Stranger in a Strange Land. I had some oatmeal we jacked from a continental breakfast somewhere and sat around waiting fer everyone to wake up. i do this every day. Eventually they did and we planned lunch with Darlene, Mama Casserole and her friend Michelle. Thank you for lunch ladies, it was delicious! It was an upscale bar n grill type place that had been around forever and no longer smelled. i heard it used to, and I believe it cuz the room in the back with the pool tables still smelled. I had a very good and fancy veggie burger with pepperjack cheese and avocado with seasoned fries. Matt got a strawberry shake that was also fantastic. Mama and her friend talked flirty and dirty to us, like they always do sometimes. So after that, we skidaddled over to the comet cuz we were already late for Mama's Candyfest!! An all day 2 bar extravaganza encompassing the finest in bands I'd never heard but heard of. It was super cool. I like The Knast. Finally. Vanessa has been trying to get me to listen to them forever, but I've been very busy doing important things. Like staring at these large Afro-American hicks walk down the street here in Weed, California. The little'n spotted us and totally dogged us right now! Fun bands all! But we were the best. Ha ha ha! Audacity played WAY too early, so people didn't pay enough attention. But, as always, there were some converts and a few turned heads. Game recognize game, you know how it goes. To our eternal delight, our friends Apache and Buzzer joined us and we got down! They weren't lettin the kiddies in (buzzer are half kiddies) but they couldn't do anything about it really. There are these waist high windows that they gotta keep open to cool the place down, so the kids did what came natural. It was funny! Climbing through the windows to dance for a minute and get thrown out again, ahh those were the days. Oh wait it was that day. Ha ha ha! Sorry Mama, but screw it, right? We played and later Buzzer and Apache played and maybe they were the best. I love Apache like alot and you should listen to crystal clear or white hammer or boys life or murple or boomtown gem (oh, sorry only we get to hear that, coming soon: apache/mop split!) or any of em really. They will make you wish you were someone else, and then they turn you into that person. So rockin! Buzzer is a tight little number that you'd swear were gay but they're just cute, and happen to stand a little close. The drummer, thank Bob, was wearing sunglasses this time so i didn't have to endure that hardcore caveman stare he does while he plays. I hope i look that cool sometimes. He plays the drums real tight, without improv fills or flash. It fits the band perfect, cuz they got a real straightforward, earnest classic-punk(?) sound, stripped down just right. Also Andy can write those faux classical chord progressions that you love so much in bands like Sparks and The Quick. It rules. Just like all those guys' other bands. That's about it. But, and I need you to understand this thoroughly, we had alot of fun. Afterwards we got kicked out of 2 or 3 parties before we even got in but whatever, it was too crowded and glam in there anyway...


Wiggly said...

That book made me feel weird and uncomfortable inside. Grok.

Junkie said...

Girlfren' sounds like you're gonna have to start that buter IV as soon as you get home. Tell those fatties they need to give you their biscuts every 3 times a day that they eat at the cracker barrel.

thee makeout party! / burger records said...

i have been given money now. i have eaten, and am no longer angry with lee. the end...?

thee makeout party! / burger records said...

i have been given money now. i have eaten, and am no longer angry with lee. the end...?