Sunday, July 20, 2008

santa cruz fun day with weird night show in monterey

Matts sister lives next to the boardwalk and she works there so after graciously allowing us to wake her up at 430 and stink up her extra room with our filth and disease, then cook an amazing breakfast that had real waffles, grapes and banannas, a blueberry muffin loaf, orange juice some stuff i fergot i'm sure, and all kindsa dead pig for you depraved mudering sick caveman athiest freaks out there, she took us over there and slapped on some wristbands that entitiled us to a full day of whatever we wanted to do at one of the ten largest theme park kinda things in america attendancewise, or so they say. King Neptune's somethin or other used to be a huge indoor pool and the acrobats would perform above people swimming? i think thats what the wall said. the wall also di.vided the history of the place in 3. prefire, postfire, and post Disney. RUFF RUFF RUFF! rather than resist the daunting challenge Walt Disney had placed on these types of shanty establishments santa cruz got wise and tried to clean up its act. nice try santa cruz, you jankie! it was cool, i watched crap chinese ballet that impressed my inner redneck thoroughly, saw the really old brass ring merry go round (thats when you can reach out once per time around to this arm and grab a ring to throw in the clowns mouth. cool!) Just about the time that got boring I got a call from Matt sayin he ran into...DRUMROLL PLEASE...Devron Winksmith and Associates! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! So we gave them our wristbands and went on our way. I managed to creep out one of Derby's many many sisters in the 2 seconds we spoke, sorry Doven. But the sisters of Deebo are plentiful, fair and both kind and likewise to the eyes, long may his family thrive. Off we went to a strange forest that was like any other forest except it was near the beach and had sand next to the little river. it was cool until sean called and said get down here so thats what we did. when we got there thomas was running up and down the street in my jacket yelling nonsense and we found a good parking spot. alex liked the drummer from the first band the shivas, who were all like 17 but the drummer was like 14. they were good. i'm trying to retype what got lost and i wrote this one real good last time. i dont even wanna any more. read justine by the marquis de sade and apply it to making fun of an old drunk guy yourself.


Petunia said...

It was fun having you over! Thanks for being so helpful with getting me into the show.

thee makeout party! / burger records said...

LIES!!! She was NOT allowed into the show! Don't thank people for failing! I wasn't helpful at all!!!