Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Kansas City! Devolution Will I AM S

So we got another show with D rock W town and this one was official dawg, what?! So I slept the whole way there in between reading a very sad and disturbing book called Blood and guts in High School, that I accidentally stole from Addy, sorry Addy. It is SAD! Sorry ladies, your life is difficult and not fair. It upsets me...When we got to the parking lot i despised everything that wasn't the book or sleep so i opted to not go in the record/book store (also i'm poor). I was awoken by a crazy man yelling nonsense inside the record/book store, i guess they wouldn't buy his books or something. We waited and waited and then hurried to play because OH YEAH! that show in des moines was booked, THIS is the one we jumped on! I'm so stupid, sorry. Anyway we had to play super fast and get the heck off the stage, so that the worst college rock crap band could play forever and ever. Oh man they were so terrible. I bet they get famous, that's how bad they were, like sugar ray, radiohead, matt says:clap your hands say yeah (huh?), crazytown, linkin park, paramour etc ad nauseum. Oh they were so bad. You know, fer a long time me an Alex used to go back and forth cuz i'd be all "it's good that they're at least doing something" but man i was wrong Alex! We need to rid the world of this scum. I am hereby starting the Fascist Musical Front, all you have to do is not have bad taste and kill anyone who does. GOOD SONGS UBER ALLES!! Speaking of good songs, have you heard De bong Chillum? Those is some beautiful songs! And the record is so pretty! I should Ghostride The Whip with him someday. Oh wait, I did that on the day I'm tellin you about now! It was so fun! We were sitting inside the boring ass club, and Noved was like "let's have a staring contest" so we did but i gotta blink every second, and he can't stop smiling, so what are you gonna do? I said something that made him think I said "segway" which got us both excited, cuz Segways are prolly real fun, but instead I's all "let's ghostride the Impala." and he's all "what is this, ghostride you speak of?" an I's like "oh snap! lets go ghostride right now!" so we did. It was fun! Delondra was totally down to drive the first time, but he ain't even seen the hyphy movement yet so we opted fer a modicum of safety. No, I don't know what modicum means. Ghostride the Whip. Do it now! It feels so right. My favorite trend ever, it's like the hula hoop times a hundred. Yup. So TMOP played fer five minutes an everyone could care less, then audacity did the same. Oh well. We had delicious food at half price and I tried to teach matt some proper bar etiquette. I totally spelled etiquette right on the first try! are you proud? please give me money for college! Anyway, they're learning. Dear Matt's parents: you undoubtedly know that your son is ridiculously cute. But maybe you think it's just cuz you love him so much? wrong! he's just cute! if you ever wanna hit on girls at a bar make sure he is nowhere around, he will screw your game up! anyway, me n matt are chillin at the bar eating when some 30 something comes up and says "Hi." to Matt and stares at him for ten minutes. to me. this means a fun conversation fer at least 5 minutes but to poor little Matty, this is terror. In his defense, she was creepy, but when you hang out in bars for a month and a half every summer, your creepy lines get blurred. So Matt tried to be polite to this drunken woman, which she of course took as an invite to keep at him. Ha ha, I say! Matt shared his fries with her and got the frak outta there as fast as he could. I told her not to take it too hard, but then she thought I was coming on to her so I split. I know I've already gushed at length about how much I like Devon Williams' songs n whatnot, but tonite was AMAZING! A totally empty show and they sonded like they should've been in a hockey arena or something. They are Fantastic and you are sleepin on'em. Sucker. We went around and found a shelf of books that we thought were free. After we'd picked out a bunch we saw the sign that said "honesty is the best policy: hardcover $1 Softbacks $.50." so we only took a couple. But yeah, except fer the Ghostride , it was boring. Sorry parents. Ghostriding is both stupid and dangerous. But fun.

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