Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Surprise show in Des Moines! D-Bone Williamson!

So we bummed a show off of 'Devon Williams and the whatever he's calling it now" by being our usual annoying selves. He's like "well I dunno fer sure, but you could try. Why not, right?!"... Sold! So that was our plan, a trip to Fever B's house to pick up a Super Secret, Super Limited Seven Inch which is for me and me alone sorry guys, then a short four hour drive to Des Moines, a town that sounds alright to say but looks just awful written down. Des Moines. That is UGLY! So we left B's magical museum and were on our merry way. Or so we thought. that drive was Scary dude! Sheets of rain would hit the windshield and it'd look like you were driving under a waterfall before you were back to the usual, worse rain than you've ever seen before. You couldn't see anything, so it's not really our fault that we lost audacity, you understand don't you? Anyway we pulled over fer a sec and let things chill and it was smooth sailing after that. We were running late though! Devon Inc had been waiting for us like two hours, oops! Since we were all stir crazy from the whitewater car ride, we went weird on em, heckling nonsense and dancing like peanuts characters. FUN! We totally thought the whole drive was gonna be a waste cuz we were so late, and it was a shakey thing to begin with, but that Devora, he's a sweetie and set up to play before us and chilled those fools out. There was no one there but us really so we had a party! who's gonna stop us? not that creep in the red shirt, that's fer sure. man i wanted to punch that guy in the face and i didn't even feel bad for it. he kept touching me and like pushing me into people like he was tryin flirt 2nd grade style or something. creep! I hate your face, goober! So Devonica played a loose set for us and did not appear to be having too much fun, but that's half schtick i think. it's cute as hell, guys, good job! i wish i had our chicago show on tape so everyone could see how pathetically awkward we are, that would probably be a youtube sensation. Masters of Discomfort. Devonne does it funny. I love Evan Williamson Band, and you all should too. So audacity played really loud and awesome and all us old, road weary, bitter, failed musicians marveled at the beauty of youth, excitement and creativity. Matt rolled around on the floor alot. We played, horribly. Alex was just goofin the whole time, messin with things and makin it funky. i remember sitting down to play solos so i could hear them better. Who cares? The only people in there were the generous bartender, some pinkboys in the back, red shirt and us. After the show we sat around in the hopes of getting paid (nope) and drove a while til we found a cheap hotel. the cozy rest. Precious sleep. P.S. Listening to Deputy Willsburg right now. Love it alot.

1 comment:

bryanlc62 said...

Holly shit ! A 4th post Very COOL !