Friday, August 7, 2009


okiedoke..lee here .. sumwhere....? i dunno where exactly..think civil war battle fields..east coast .planet earth,usa
... from there we drove and we drove from 'bama to hotlanta! it was pretty excitin goin to play a town where which we have never been to as thee. not the whole time ..but fer a few minutes as we saw the skyline appear we knew we were in for a treat. playing with the customers was cool cus a local band actually showed up n they had pretty friends.i think it was due to the moon being full . danos dad gordon along w/ cuz came to the show too...with a pizza! yummy cheese!!i washed mine down with sum good ol fashioned black label beer..delicious. since gordon was there he inspired me to call home to check in with thee fam..i left a alivee!! i also attempted to appologize fer my drunk dial to ck but she didnt i probably left another not quite as strange but odd message any ways..goodtymes..later i found out it wasnt even her birthday ! nee!
....we played to sum kids of drinking age n then left to spend the nite at gordons. his mansion of a cabin is one of our fav places to smells of shop class n u can see stars forever. dano n decided to have a nite cap of sum colt 45...we did n had a much needed heart to heart ..i slept on a couch and woke up to denise gordons wife making a lunch date. soon enough gordon was in the kitchen to whip up sum breakfast ie his world famous biscuits n gravy baby!! we all bathed n sum even did laundry. we parted the wrong way off the dirt road into our unknown immediate future...we turned around n found sum drank drink at home depot er sumplace like that. i guess sean n dan have beeen hyped fer it cus its an anti energy drink ..slow yo roll.. thats their trade marked slogan, i think. i felt compelled to drink it instantly without askin seans sloooowed maa rooolll. i was in and out of conciousness..i tripped out on a spider n the back seat fer sum unknown didnt exist. the can sed not to exceed more than 2 can in 24 hrs..i believe dan drank drive drive to boone nc....we just made up joke after joke all day n nite broughtto u by boone....too many to list here...u had 2 booone there! aye...the record store was fun...everyone seeme d to like us n we made sum gas monies...we went back to selinas for our late but much needed din din n sum beers...she read our tarot cards..that was trippy but fun n pretty positive id say....we went fer a walk to a park to go swingin'...i decided to bring my skateboard or show boat as dan likes to call was real fun..n fast...n rocky!! appallachion mts our crazy like 4 loko!no joke i got jacked....i left to clean my wounds...the boys found my glasses! yay!...we then went swingin n off to bed...the next mornin selina made us buttery pancake goodness n we parted ways down the upside of thee mountain n off to nyc !! big apple...,mmmmmm is good.

1 comment:

Junkie said...

I really like how you write Lee. <3 I can't wait to see you. xoxo