Wednesday, July 9, 2008

turf club

We spent the day driving and probably cranky cuz we we're hungry, but lucky us! Thomas' friend Liz was there in Minneapolis with her parents, who inexplicably bought us two hotel rooms and dinner at a place next door! What a couple of sweeties they must be. I wouldn't know fer sure because i was feeling shy and there was a foosball table at the place we ate. I vanquished many a foe, for none can slay me. Lee and Sean thought my loud barks of triumph were freakin out poor Liz's parents, so I had to tone down the crazy a little bit. Everybody ate burgers and i had a salad or something, who cares? Afterwards, we went to our rooms and showered but i couldn't shave and I hate that! So we went to the club and were almost late but really right on time. We met up with our pals Skipper and Travis and Georgia and Dave, who brought us our hard drive. It was alternately fun and awkward. The show went very well, methinks. Travis (of Fevers/Ramo records fame) was spinnin hit after hit. When are people gonna realize that bubblegum music is perfect for bars? I'm not talking about us, we suck, but real bubblegum feels SO GOOD! Here are some lyrics from a fav of mine "Jamaica Jamaica, Jamaica Jamaica, Jamaica Jamaica, lalalalala, HEY!" See what I mean? Get over your self and get on the floor. Thanks travis, fer settin the mood. So Skipper opened, and everybody danced and spilled their drinks. the soundguy was wack again, but he had the floor tom up way loud and it sounded real tuff. After they played all my favorite songs, we were treated to a new one. Skipper is a boat of mystery. No one is sure where shes headed and that's how Brian likes it, i think. Anyway, they're GREAT. Next up to bat was The Fab Four of Fullerton, who don't know whether or not they sold alot of stuff. That's how we know if you like us, everyone, give us money. I think they were well received, but not as much as they deserved. We played, and I think people liked us...Did people like us Sean? "yeah" he says with like a little "duh" sound thrown in, "we played a great show." I can never tell unless it's really good. I'm a half empty kinda guy with a very weak audience-dar. Headlining the show were the super cool God Damn Doo Wop Band. I liked them alot, even though I got a chip on my shoulder from reading about'em constantly. They were nice too! I'll always be your girl is a really great song. After the show we sat around talking in the parking lot shootin the bull with our palsy walsys, then it was off to our lovely hotel rooms. Once again Thank you to Liz and (really) her parents fo hookin da homies up wit dat phatty hotel, yall, good lookin out. Peace.


Randa said...

Yippee, Yahoo, Hooray! Four bloggies in one day! It feels like Christmas in July. :-) Thanks for the great updates. We are so proud of all of you!

(Cute kitty too by the way... what a lucky feline to hanging out with y'all!)

bryanlc62 said...

Yo Homies ! Thanks for the Multi Update. Me thinks you should write the book Yo................