Tuesday, March 20, 2007

notes from the road...day seventeen

say goodbye to mickey, dan
Sleepy kitty. Aka - Brian

Wull hullo thur! It's dan here wif mah brudder al, an we gonna tell yuh a lil bit bout whut we ben up to. yeehaw (gunshots)! so when is brian gonna write a blog? oh whenever you ask, says brian. ok how bout today's? sure. brian is asleep. the drive to jackson mississippi was long fer me. i was cranky i think. ya herd bout the gum'n'whatnot so thats pretty much that. two rednecks wouldn't stop staring at us forever at the gas station. at first i was all "what!?" but they won, i got nervous. we got greedy in traffic after our gum success, and got ourselves an empty can off another stranger. the drive sucked. we arrived in jackson and it was dead and ugly and there was trash everywhere like blanchard after a bad party. we made our way to w.c. dons and the owner terry told us since no one (NO ONE) was there he'd rather we didn't play. instead it was hot dog time! alex was bummed so he went wandering around the town. i was bummed so i ate a hot dog. the streets have like, real fire gaslamps for lights, alex said. and terry's hot dogs are fantastic. he thinks he's paying tribute to nathan's in new york but his are far superior in everyway. I hate you louis! you phony new york jackass! anyhoo, we ate and drank a beer and hoped people would show up or the bar next door would let us play or the people inside would take us with them to the drag show or ANYTHING! but no, it was not to be. we heard about terry's hot dog cooking techniques and tastes. he's eaten hot dog's for two years now and he's not sick of 'em. jus a lil yellow mustard and sometimes some onions but thats it. the weasely dirtbag soundguy, who introduced himself as the black sheep of the peavey family, got my new mickey mouse sweater off of me! sometimes i have problems saying no. the rest of the band is sure im an idiot. after he asked for it and i said yes, i realized how retarded i was being. i even asked for it back and he said yes, but then when he asked again, poof, big baby jesus comes out an gives it right back again! there is something wrong with me. i hated that guy an he was treating me like i was some rich kid with sweaters to burn. peavey sucks and their tweak addict nephew is even worse. so lee and alex swooped up the prime van real estate and sean, brian and i slept in the stinky bar. brian says there were like families hanging out at 2 in the morning. weird. sean and lee had some half assed adventure at the bar next door but screw it. we still gotta write another one for yesterday.
listening to the burrito bros and trex

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