Friday, April 13, 2007

notes from the fortytwo

tucsoooooooon! alexxxxxxxx! hungieeeee! almost home and almost to in-n-outttttt!!!
before heading out of town, we ate at cheap and yummy mexican resuraunt. they had a salsa bar with grilled onions and chile peppers. lee and i were sure we were in heaven. dan and i ate chirizo burritos and lee ordered a lousy burrito that he did not finish. also, we drove by an old church lee wanted to check out. i told him it was only a year or two old and my dad helped build it, which made him mad in a comical way. pushing buttons is fun sometimes. the drive from nm to tuscon wasnt too bad. on the way, i remember trying to make out objects in the clouds cuz the day was so pretty, but not much more than that. boring. sorry.
we arrived in an extremely windy tuscon around one in the afternoon. guess what our first stop was? a record store! yay!! sean bought a resonars record and lee and dan both bought dollar tapes. mc5 and christian death fer a buck! double yay!! of course pizza was next. the place we ate at offers a discount if its a fullmoon that night. it wasnt. spring has unsheathed all them pretty womens from their winter coats. this means lots of poking to my side from lee and lots of drool from us all. if anyone says they weren't don't listen to 'em, they are lying.
after foods, sean started downloading the new lost episode. it was gonna be a half hour or so, so dan and i walked the tucson strip fer a bit. it was too windy even with my new haircut. imma shave it all when i get home and show the wind whats up. Dan noticed a few USA/WPA writings in the sidewalks which he says were made when theodore roosevelt instituted the "the new deal." im looking it up now. "...state and national reform legislation introduced in the Progressive era." so there is more out there than records with music on 'em huh? history!
We came back, watched a good episode of lost, then headed over to the club. it was closed and everyone was hungie again. we proceeded to wander the area looking fer somethin to eat and could only find a subway. bah. after a sammich and some suprisingly delicious chocolate chip/m&m cookies, we walked back to the club. still closed! we met some other band and a bum who ended up being terribly angry at the world for not giving him a hambuger. the club eventually opened and we loaded in. i called my mum and let her know i would prolly not be able to come that night for we would be playing so late and nobody wanted to drive six hours afterwards. sorry mom : (
the okmoniks and sharkpants peeps showed up and we greeted whilst pulp fiction was on the tube. that movie was so entertaining to watch without sound. me likey.
we played a pretty swell last show. people cheered at the sound of a 1910 song and wanted us to play indian giver. we didnt. umm afterwards i jumped in the van, changed and called the prettiest little thing on the tellie. from what i hear there was a lot of hatred directed towards the band that played last. a white girl and and guy from florida who "rapped" about "feelings" and "drugs" or something. everyone looked like they had been socked in the face when i asked 'em about the band. but seriously, watch pulp fiction without sound and the subtitles on. i was laughing a bunch.

so that pretty much ends our tour of love. we woke up this morning, showered, played super smash bros., and said goodbye to the okmoniks who let us sleep over. its been amazing, kooky, and amazingly kooky. thanks to everyone who helped us out with houses to sleep at, shows booked, underwear thrown on stage (i wish), drinks purchased, laughs, giggles, directions, and fun times. we appreciate everything and love you all. see you at disneyland!
xoxoxoxoxoxo thee makeout party!!!!

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