Friday, April 13, 2007

notes from the fortyone

all the way from the back o' the van - alex!
i'm confused and dan's last post isnt helping. he tried, but lee has pounded my tiny brain into oblivion with blog mixups. so we drove from denvy to new mexico-y. i remember it being pretty dang long. lee says, "it was beautiful too." he is right. the mountains in denver, when covered with some snow, are quite a site to be seen. unlike those others sites which should be heard...i dont like that previous sentence i wrote. bah. umm. anyways! the new mexico sky was amazing at night, its like one of those light-brites or whatever. tons of stars that make little ole me feel even smaller. like one of those tiny ants or whatever. if i were on stage telling this stuff, im pretty sure i would have tomatoes in my hair.
well, as soon as we were a mile or so away, we became lost. im not sure why it happens so much, but it does. we stopped at a gas station and i jumped outta the seat to get directions and/or an address. while waiting for the man moppiing to come my way (i was told not to go on the wet floor that night) a trailer-park-trash-scaring -me-weirdo asked me, "are you in the movies??" "hey! are you in the movies!?" so i replied, "nope." he then asked if i was a skateboarder or something. To many, i suppose, i look a lot like the guys from dogtown. ironically, i cannot skate for jack. so i gots the address, we mapquested some more and eventually found our way after many u-turns and finger pointing the correct way. So we located "the Farm" which was a great yet completely trashy house owned by a bunch of kids. they had foosball table and dan was extra excited. We loaded in, played, and ten or so kids started dancing and havin a merry time. Oh yeah, for some reason, tons of nm kids love batman and seans batman shirt.
im not sure i like jack lee's solo record too much. its kinda boring. but, prolly better than anything i've ever done, so whatcha gonna do? allll right. so before we loaded out, and before i could put a dry shirt on, dan wanted to get his foosball skills in everyones face. turns out, the two kids that were hanging around the table are insanely good and made dan and myself look like...well, look like a bunch of shitty foosball players. SUPPOSEDLY, dan won a game later on, but its hard to imagine, those guys were kickin' ass. I felt like being home and not in some gross, smokey nm house, so i played one more game of foosball (against dan, which i lost) then jumped in the van for a stinky sleep. i need more showers on tour everyone. Dan says after we went to bed and the ladies left home, the talk turned to perversion. im not gonna go into detail cuz you all know what happens when a bunch of 18 year old boys talk about girls. and that was about it i believe. see you tomorrow, pals.

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