Thursday, March 22, 2007

notes from the nineteen

Papa and Sonson

attack of the killer alex posts!
Everyone is in the record stores shopping right now and me out of record monies so me blog. boy, new country music is hellish. one means two, and two means three. boo i say.
soooo the departure from Mr. Bush's house was it? Well, I woke up from a dream which was very enjoyable for me. In the dream, I was At Gordon's house sitting 'round when a bat flew through a window. I then shot it with a crossbow and the bat started to scream. Very high pitched and lengthy. Night came and outta nowhere all animals from the forest started attacking the house. Large deer, beavers, birds, wild pigs, a moose, and even a squid towards the end when the house became flooded for some unkown reason. Also, when they stopped attacking, I flew on a birds back, with the band, to a Guitar Center which we raided. Then we made our way back and suddenly I was awakened by Lee getting out of bed. After laughing to myself, I put on some pants, walked down stairs to see Dan lying on the floor for some odd reason, said my good mornings, then hung about watching Gordon make, what was to be a great breakfast. The yum-yums consisted of creamed-eggs, toast, waffles, and homemade jelly. The eggs on toast has been in the Bush family fer awhile now. Yum, yum, yum. We next finished up laundy, and got everthing ready fer the ride to Charleston, Sc. After hugs and handshakes we left. I can't recall the drive too much, but I'm sure you fellas didn't miss out on anything kerrazy.
South Carolina had its fun and comical moments like any other town. We rolled into town kinda early and found the record store that we were to play at when five 'o clock came. Twas spacious and had free coffee and some beers that the guy had purchased for us. We set up, drank some (I dropped a glass bottle on the ground and cleaned it up), got hungie so Brian and myself strolled a few shops down to a chinese food resturant. It took Brain several minutes to order some ordinary rice and then he bought me a bowl of chicken-rice. Lee came in and ordered after seeing how much foods we got for so little monies. Dan and Sean soon followed. I believe Sean was a lil bit disappointed, but the rest of us liked it. Also, a black kid came in through the doors, glanced at us, then headed to the counter muttering somethin like "Ching-chong, chong."
The show itself wasn't the greatest. A couple people walked in and out throughout the set. A little girl bought a record and a really nice guy named Noah watched the second half of the set. We jokingly hit him up about a place to sleep and he accepted. Sean and I have been wanting to see 300 for awhile now so we decided it was movie time after we loaded out. Noah hung around then offered us spaghetti at his place, Nice guy. Before we left for the movies, a homeless looking man with hooks for arms told us 'bout a movie he had just made. He ran around the corner got a poster and showed it to us. I didn't really hear his spiel, but I'm sure it was an interesting story. We all shook a hook then headed out.
The movie! I loved it. Sean/Brian/Lee all disliked it. And Dan, he leaned towards enjoyment. I'm going to stick with my "It looked like a comic book but on film, so you should love it just for that reason" opinion. Frank Miller is someone I would buy a drink for when I can afford it. We got lost heading to Noah's afterwards, called him, and found we could not park across his street for the neighbors mamma parks there. Noah invited us in, showed us a spiffy salt-water fish tank, offered us drinks, then went on and made us dindin. Delicious. I ended up drinking a glass of scotch and a few beers then headed to bed cuz me tired like that. I'll get another guy to tell you what happened that night when they are available. (Dan) ok, after babypie alex went to get his beauty sleep, the real party started. and by party i mean movie. it was about rabbits and it was a cartoon and the intro was really cool looking. i cant remember what it was called and by the time it was over i was asleep. noah's roomate came home with a girl, then his other roomate came home with an attitude. he walked in without a word and started throwing cans away. it was the most aggressive recycling i've seen. noah was extremely kind. also his dad played guitar in the nightcrawlers who's sole hit little black egg is known round the world to spiffy dudes like us. wait til you here what were gonna do in 2 days!!!! it involves sleek aggressive killing machines!! Onto the next days post.

My head currently: Less itchy when I use Seans 2in1 shampoo.

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