Sunday, August 23, 2009

I'm sorry for not meeting you last night, sir.

Portland it is. I tried again everyone. But lee is sleeping in the back (somehow he turned into brian the kitty from tours past) and dan would rather type on a tiny phone keyboard than an external keyboard hooked up to a laptop.
Another effort wasted with breakfast. didnt have time i think. Darlene did buy us a bag of chocolate cookies tho. num.
Oh yeah. This kid who thinks we are spiffy and has a zine he is creating took us out to dine and talk into a large recording machine. we did both thoroughly (even dan got a burger!).
We had to hurry after eating the late lunch cuz we had to be at the Summer Bummer Festival at five. We were all pleasantly surprised with MOM who opened the show. It was this great little gal in a minnie mouse-ish uniform and a vocoderish item. she used the dealie to make her voice very high while sluggishly dancing and prancing to some fun musics. Also, while she was doing that, she was taking raw meat and throwing it at/on the floor and people. Dan was hit with a duck head. Next was us. We played super early cuz we jumped on the show and it was a tad bit disappointing. whatcha gonna do?
everyone more or less hung out and around the van until the oh sees played at one in da morning and the door guy complained to us about bringing the party to the van and not backstage. "why would you even do that?" still makes me laugh. Poor pink. We stayed at a chick friends house who had this mini bulldogish dog who purred when you pet him. freaking cute man.
Oh yes. some time during the night it was decided that we were stealing MOM fer the night.
She woke me up by trying to shyly get into the van. or maybe it just seemed shy cuz she has a high voice. We grabbed some breakfast across the way from KINGSTONS and she told us funny stories which are kinda gross funny, but we like that stuff.

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