Monday, August 17, 2009

dtoit anndd errthang aftar.

so we got a 9 hour drive to sacramento today then its back to real life. time to finish the stupid blog already. detroit was fun. we played with the bad sports, they were super sick and real nice guys to boot. bobby harlow's boys the pizzaz played as well and they were cool to. afterwards there was a party an it was pretty tight. then nobunny played! this was the first of our 5 or 6 shows with nobunny and it was the bomb every time. also the newspaper said we were nobunny's backing band, which delighted alex but did not delight nobunny.the girls bathroom had really sweet graffiti like "you are beautiful, it'll be ok" etc we met dan from the gories and i was like damn dude you rule all lame. there were french people. we stayed at the henchmen. dave buick scared the hell outta me. he cut all his hair off so i didnt know it was he and when i came outta the bathroom he maddogged me for a minute until i sheepishly said something like "if yer gonna hit me, tell me what for" and he let me know. whooo! the next morning jh from the henchmen made us healthy shake things that were good. then we went to a shitty hamburger stand that had good ice cream. me an lee got falafel. nubunny started to feel sick. uh oh nobunny, are you gonna get better or worse? we'll have to keep reading to see! then it was time to drive to kalamazoo to a record store i dont remember and then to louis trophy house. an all stained wood bar lavishly decorated with all kinds of animals lovingly murdered by mike, the manager or something. man that guy hates deer! everyone ate elk burgers and i ate nothing because what am i gonna eat there. billy chatted up the waitress in a way that kinda creeped me out, and told me a good joke. what did one vegan say to the next? this tastes like shit. the spellcheck does not recognize vegan. no one does really. so i drank my dinner and asked for seconds. we had the idea of saying it was seans birthday to get even more favorable treatment from the locals. so when we played we did just that an whatdoya know? a sparkler appeareed along with a shot of somethin for sean! we found out after tha the sweetheart responsible was our pal marcos from nobunny and the rockandroll adventure kids, who must have been sleeping in the van or something when we cooked it up. nobunny killed that night! everyoe loved us and them except one really angry guy from the angry punk band that played all angry before us. angry dancing is stupid. we stayed in a motel where alex backed in to a car a litlle. oops.k zoo? k zoo. the next morning we watched jackie chan ate birdfood as billy calls trailmix and drove off to lafayette what happened on the way there? sean told the funniest jokes and we just laughed and laughed. this day we were aligned correctly with the stars. when we wanted to watch a movie, we pulled over and both movies we wanted to see were just starting and we went to a thrift store and got all kinds of cool stuuf. an ava gardner autobiography, curtis mayfield and staples singers record an jax got a super creepy windup clown that i want. we saw gi joe and funny people and then bought the tape lee had been bitching about for two days..
this thrift store wasnt as exciting as this dan has made it sound. he really wanted to write more about how it was great, but he through keyboard just i. i cant read where or what typing im doing. this shit is really tuff. like king tuff, you know.? by the way, his is me, alex. oh yeah back to the stupid fucking thrift store. meanwhile at thriftys lee bought a dand wagoness/, that teenage fanclub record on tape and sean had bought the season 1 of lost fer a few bucks. i really ghave no idea or not if dam "the thrift store lover" bush wrote about the purchases i just listed but the thrift store is just so amazing and tuff. like king tuff. lets ge the hell outta this store.
we got to lafayette and this dude told us to park around back. dan went potty and saw some girl and girl goig down on the girl in the potty. i cant see what im typing, this sucks. sorry. later sean and i walked around this neat looking town wanting something to eat, but stuff was tuffly expensive so we ended up just eatig at the pub next to the place we were playing, which byt the way, is the only gay bar in town. fun huh/ speaking of gay, the doorman at the club had a big crush on justbunny. it made me laugh. i wet potty next dorr then came back to watch one or two episodes of lost. super totally rad tuff, yo. then this chick had a group of people aorund her and took her shirt off and some jerk from some jerk band had written their set list on her back. i didnt see it, but i heard it was funny. like funny people but more funny cuz it envolved poeple i knew not adam jerkler. i really didnt like the show, i played like shit, and was really bored. dan was drunk and loved it. that same no shirt chick was extremely drunk and was on stage trying to play tambo. it was pretty whack. we stayed at someones house, they had some cute ass kitty is what sean told me the next day. i missed out. whack whack. i woke in the back of the van, dan was in the next seat and had both doors wide open. these neighbors of the place we partied at were being little bitches complaining about usstaying up all late and being party animals. mel and tim is on right now, shit is goooood. people took showers and dan and i drank a few beers.yummy in my tummy at ten in the mornny.
oh DAMNNNN. Sooooo we woke up to billy from nobunny or someone telling us that they had crashed their van at four in the am. it was crazy cuz they need a van, you know? or did they, cuz we had room in ours! weeee! we got packed up, drove to the crash site, picked up just and jasbunny then went to the GM place where marcos was taking one hell of a coffee. much was packed into our van, including boys, men, bunnies, someone elses guitar, bags and god knows what else. we needed to get to justins mothers house which was three hours away in chiago. it turned into a sven hour drive cuz there is a dumb amount of work going on with their roads. boring. boring. fun coffee. 00 .
a day or two has gone by since i "wrote" this. im going to apologize for the cussing and terrible typing. it gets crazy bright in here and you cant really see the screen on the laptop. also i get annoyed very easily. imma publish this and get onto a new day. i love you all.

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