Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Rock Room (or how we spent $300 on gas to go shopping)

After our delicious breakfast with our hilarious friends Dave "i wore a spiderman costume to KISS" Buick and Shelby, we were off on a shortish trip to Pittsburgh to play at the rock room, a bar that has special prices for the over 50 crowd. Well, that's not really true. We were really there so our vinyl-addicted members could get that sweet sweet stuff they only got at Jerry's, truly, a lovely store. Huge racks of every style and multiple copies of every record you're looking to come up on. They got a 7" room that's as big as the other one. This is where Sean broke poor little Richie Top Ten's heart by finding that rubette's record last year. I wonder if he's got that yet. But first, the show! As we drove circles around the town we got mad at eachother and fought. There were no street signs, places to turn around or people to ask so naturally we assumed it was everyone else's fault. Alex got all nihilist on Lee like he does, making Lee's car panic thing he does worse. It sucked. I woke up to them already goin at it and tried to be a sweetheart and make peace, but it ended with me yelling "LEE! SHUT THE FRAK UP! JUST SHUT THE FRAK UP RIGHT NOW! SHUT UP!! SHUT THE FRAK UP LEE!" until it happened. Then we ate food and felt better. Except Lee, who opted fer the bar's food instead of McDonald's. See how tour is sometimes? Wait it get's worse. The bar doesn't serve food anymore on tuesdays or whatever day it was, so lil Leelee had to make do with a bag of chips and a beer or two for dinner. Which he paid full price for. He was so miserable. So we're at the bar and it's empty except for the other band, a few locals and two thug lifers, who be chillin at da end wit dey money out n watches flashin an whatnot, you know jus doin it. They were phonies. Also this is the room next to the one we play in, so our music tonite is just a mild annoyance to people drinking. The guy from the first band the shutouts apologized to us sweetly and we told him we knew and didn't care. Swear to Bob, I Don't Care by The Ramones is on right now! The Shutouts played fast hard Pop Punk and did that place like there were more than nine people there (ten actually, Alex, Caleb, Cameron, Dan, Kyle, Lee, Matt, Sean, Thomas and shutout guy's gal). They went nuts and so did Audacity, who capitalized on the empty night by playing a bunch of songs they hadn't in a while and goofing off. It was adorable of course. And really alot of fun! I was half ass dancing and throwing darts casually. Things got goofier and then we went on. Goofiness continued. It was basically tour friend appreciation night. When i felt our self indulgent set length was too much i asked the shutouts if we should quit and they said yeah. Stupid me, they didn't even let us stay at their house, we had to get a hotel. We would've closed that place down! Our bands may have merged into one! Thomas played drums for us on Wreckless, and it was great!! And so fast! I'm old and tired!! Ha Ha! But really, as far as empty shows go this is the best one ever. Afterwards we went to a motel and watched infomercials for extenze. Fun. The next morning I woke up and called the front desk to ask when the continental breakfast ended. They did not have continental breakfasts, but if i would like to try the panera bread restaurant downstairs, she is sure they are still serving breakfast there. Yes, I write that way on purpose. We got cleaned up and went to Jerry's Records, which, although great for records, has no food. So Alex and I wandered the streets looking for food with Thomas, while everyone else shopped to their greedy black hearts content (i'm jealous. sorry guys). We first went to a nice lady's fruit store and got fed greenbeans while we looked around. We bought some peaches or nectarines or whatever, and asked her where we should go. She told us everything we wanted to hear! her favorite spot was just down the way, pretty cheap and not too greasy (but greasy fo show!) We thanked her and left as directed. Lo and behold the spot ruled! It's called Pamela's, it's got a rainbow disco ball, wall paintings of famous disco records, pancakes that were like thicker crunchier 49er flapjacks (but not even like that) and a dope waiter who i think may have been crushing on me. He was funny and also treated people as if he expected them to not be morons, weird right? Also his voice was kinda like Bobby from The Go's. I got an omelette with tomatoes, spinach, mushrooms, brocolli and cheese. it was just what you think it was but bigger. When Cameron strolled in I was full and he still had a whole free breakfast waiting for him, sweet. Thomas got the pancakes which were really good, but you know, Anaheim, Pancake House...So we left and went to another record store but before that, i bit the bullet and bought a ton of pricey indian food with Lee and Alex. I love indian food so much! And we ate a ton and had a ton for later too! Then it was back to another record store. Boring!! After our recordheads got their vinyl fix we drove on to Athens, which brings me to whether or not us doing laundry in Athens should be the beginning of the next blog? Yeah, next one.

1 comment:

bryanlc62 said...

Great stories, I am cracking up and soooo jealous. Sound like a lalapalooza of fun..... only better. Still haven't had a call from Cameron, please ask him to call his dad..........