Wednesday, July 9, 2008


We will not be making the obvious joke about the empty club being named the empty bottle. to be honest it wasn't all that empty, anyway i don't remember crap about this show and really couldn't care less right now. Then why write it you ask? because i've been in a car since 1:30 yesterday morning and we have finally arrived at our destination! yay! a record store! no, wait it gets better, 2 record stores! so while i sit in the hot car wishing i'd gone to college and made something of myself, i'm going to blog. that's what people do now, right? also, we have a cat now, and i think he's mine! i think his name is bowie cuz his eyes are jacked! but we'll see. Alright alright, so we drove to Chicago and waited around while people went shopping they got records and the like. then we got in the club and loaded in and goofed around onstage for no one until the soundgirl started to do her thing. We then went next door to a place called Bite, which despite it's wack ass name, is a fantastic little spot. Kinda like a hippie diner but not too much. The food was awesome, i got a huge dang-it-i-can't-remember- what-they're-called wrap. it's not greek i guess, cuz i just spent ten minutes trying to find out online. But it's like deep fried balls of garbanzo beans or somethin with spices. it had a cucumber dressing and lettuce and tomatoes. anybody know what i'm talkin about? it was delicious and giant and came with sweet potatoe fries, enough to feed me twice. Also they give the bands playin next door free coffee. So i played a couple games of Miss Pacman and waited some more til soundcheck. Homegirl doing the sound really did it. She was checkin and checkin and checkin and yer poor nervous friends in thee band said "hello?" "check" Check..check" etc. oh, it's just awful. but good for her she did a good job. i thought all the bands sounded great that night and you could tell she was working and fixing problems as they came. See soundguys? quit being stupid baby pants and trying to make every band sound like limp bizkit! Turn the bass drum down, fer Bob's sake. Listen. then respond. Stupid soundguys, i hate almost all of you. Wannabe musician-ass bitter babies who get their kicks power trippin on bands night after night. Actin like you've seen it all n what not, we don't believe you! anyway homegirl was fantastic. And then some people showed up! Homeboy from the lovely band The Yolks was there, Nobunny had sent him over to check out the force of nature that is Audacity. They delivered of course, halfway through their first song they had everyone off the bar and watching. We played a great show too, but Lee...I don't even know how to describe what Lee was doing. He made sure anyone enjoying themselves quickly stopped and felt uncomfortable. It was weird. Soundgirl was very concerned and recommended medication. I don't know, Lee, you be actin crazy! Afterwards we went to a lovely hotel that was provided gratis by Matt's parents. They got a timeshare or something and it worked out perfect for us. Thank you Matt's parents!! i'm still using the hair conditioner from that place, it had a whole spiel about shea butter and everything! So we slept like kings and showered like princesses. Very much needed and appreciated, thanks alot Mr and Mrs Schmalfeld!


vanessa g. said...

falafel. i usually like your blogs, very informative. remember when sean blogged? i liked that one the most

Junkie said...

oh jeez.

p.s. i love me some falafel