Saturday, June 28, 2008

uuummmm...Rob's house PA

so i guess the blog is mine now or something, sorry. did you know that it's not just you (Jacquie and Justin) that read this? swear to god, some twins from myspace hit us up and are all like "what up wit dat bloggie, doggie?". Thanks twins! I think twins are really weird. And they are, too. You didn't even think it was weird that they have a myspace together, because that's how it is with twins, weird. JK twins!! it's cute and mysterious. i hope we can be friends and maybe kiss a little. we spent the last two days slacking off at our friend Rob's house ( and John and Pat) and i don't really gotta write about it cuz it was the same as last year at Rob's house only with more yardwork and LSD this time. They are ridiculously hospitable. Rob rented Super Smash Brothers for us before we even got there. we spent hours yesterday dying curtains and building a frame to hang them on out of pool skimmers. they throw the funnest parties, yo. i fell down twice cuz beatle boots were not made for slick wood patios, and i was not made to not fall down in front of strangers alot, thanks God. So they cheered so loud i got startled, Audacity got the dance party started, sopping wet girls in bikinis stood in the corner nervously, we had to play Kitty twice and Rob is EXTREMELY good at Dr Mario. A lovely time was had by all. they drink brass monkeys there, have you heard of this? you open a mickey's grenade an take a drink (if you are over 21 and not planning on driving or operating heavy machinery) then replace your gulp with some orange juice. it's purty good. Also, Wyatt's mom is friends with John Waters! I actually listened to someone at a party instead of just pretending to! I always pretend to be real interested in whoever i'm talking to so that whoever looks at me thinks i'm a nice person and wants to kiss me. it never works, but sometimes while you're sitting there, spacing out, you'll hear "i call him uncle John, but he's not really my uncle" and you have to get him to repeat the last 5 minutes of conversation without him knowing you weren't listening the first time. it's easy if they are drunk, and who wasn't yesterday (besides those underage of course)? i begged him to sell Mr Waters my fine ass but Wyatt isn't really into pimping, i guess. It was cool though. I jammed with a guy who was later treated rudely by Audacity fer sayin their guitars were too loud. their guitars were too loud, for the record. he was funky. there was some kid there who came over to use the pool and he had cuts all on his chest like me in high school. it was weird seeing a big guy in board shorts jumping off a roof into a pool with self hatred scrawled into his flesh. ah,modern goths. i imagined him doing it cuz he was pissed at his parents fer not giving him money to get his earlobes stretched, while listening to ICP.
so the party cleared out and after getting turned down by every boy in both of our bands, i made out with my wrist, crying in the bathroom alone for a minute before curling up with a filthy stray cat and finally falling asleep.


the twins said...

yes! we can be friends :)
don't know about the kissing though
you might wanna ask Cameron
how he feels about that...haha

(1/2 of the twins)

Junkie said...

Labels: not boring, as good as junkie's, fun and most of all...BI-EXUAL! You sure are bi-sexual Dan. What a wonderful party. Do you dress up every day for every show? That's fun, mysterious.
