Thursday, June 19, 2008

thursday june 19th...

Q-tip was right. things are going to be ok. We spent the last two days wearing out our welcome at JMM's house of fantasic wonderfulness. He's even got a pool now, it was chill. alright, so we we're pullin into town tuesday way too late because of some car stuff an caught the tail end of a party thrown "for us" cuz we seemed like a good excuse. Mike and Kim quickly fed us with that concerned look southerners get when they tell you to eat something. there were regular burgers and murderburgers for meatatarians, chips, watermelon, beer and i ferget what else. all was delicious but the icing on the cake was, of course, Poli Sci Clone. Check his myspace, he rules. He writes, records and plays all of it himself and it shows. it's urgent, straightforward, almost confusingly sloppy rock'n'roll. this man walks it like he talks it: plain, heartfelt and weird as all heck. And Buddy was there! the fantastic director behind one of my fav Willies videos, where we are dolls in Mike's daughter Hannah's dollhouse, menaced by a new toy, which may or may not be Mike's dad John's dentures, i can't remember. but i look cute in it. i remember that. so there was a sad and serious band that opened the show at murphy's. it was like...fuck, i don't know, they kinda sucked but i guess they got some potential. who cares? Poli Sci Clone played again an it was awesome again. I like Lakesided Love the best (of the songs on myspace), so i sang along to the badass sing-along chorus it's got. He's hard to explain, cuz the man is weird. You know talking to him that he's got nothin but love in his heart and it's creepy. He plays sitting down, with a casio keyboard on his stand, a guitar in his hand and a karaoke machine at his back. cheap casio beats and basslines get blottoed by hacked-out, forced solos, he'll hit a chord or two on the keyboard and it's back at the guitar, the whole time pouring his heart into the microphone. I love it and him alot. after that was Thee Amazing Audacity Band who killed it, like always. They've been playin around with things a little, i think, and it's fun to listen fer differences each night. At this one, Cameron snapped a string and had to improvise harmony basslines on the fly. Hey Cameron! Awesome Show! Great Job! Then we had to beg the guy not to take the microphone home so we could play ten minutes. i think we played very well, and so did Buddy. We even won the mic guy over. he said we could play as long as we wanted. we loaded out and headed back to mike's attic, which is one of the neatest places i've ever been. i can't read ten pages in a book there without noticing the title of another one and haveng to pick that one up instead. me and caleb we're up til the wee hours just reading and listening to sean snore (that's right you heard it here first folks, he snores). i read trance induced revelations, the gospelvis, a history of judaism in america, early days of the children who would become Lux Interior and Ivy Rorschach, a Kid Anarchy comic and a book about the white problem in america by the editors at ebony magazine. we woke up today and farted around enough to make Mike think maybe we weren't leaving so we skidaddled outta there and drove to this super 8 next to a cracker barrel. i'm sitting in the van while everyone else showers and relaxes so you can make the rest up yourself.


bryanlc62 said...

Thanks to the Moparty for keeping Audacity on the road. Pretty weird to read about cameron breaking strings out on the road while I'm sitting here dubbing video tapes to DVD of him before he could walk. makes me feel pretty old. Can't wait to here what NYC was like. Peace , Bryan

bryanlc62 said...

Hey guys it's Tuesday this blog is staler than Cameron's socks. How bought update ??????

Junkie said...

Cool blog and everything makeout party, mine is a littler cooler though. Why don't u just take a look? Sorry!