Sunday, April 8, 2007

notes from the thirtythree

we woke up in our hotel and sat around jivin with the aforementioned machine fer a bit then it was back on the road. today's drive was a short one but longer than we expected fer some reason. i hate it when that happens. our destination was a BBQ in pittsburgh, maybe thats why it felt like it took so long. we were so hungry! when we got into town lee was totally losin his shit. there WERE psychedelic dinosaurs around, but it wasn't that big a deal. also you dont need to mentally undress every girl you see walking down the street. its just wrong. so after lee's wild ride through insanitown, we arrived at paul from modey lemon's house. the BBQ was heatin up and we would have to wait. but not too long! the burgers were delicious and i smothered mine with honey dijon mustard which i now love. we sat and chatted with Tina and Erin from Top Ten and ate and ate. there was steak and chicken and fer the veggies there was squash and zuchini and other stuff i cant remember but it was all good. the highlight of our eating experience had to be the charbroiled pineapple. yes, pineapple. they put jus a lil bit o cayenne pepper on it and throw it on there and then booyah! candy! we ate and ran outta stuff to talk about so tina and erin got bored and went inside to play some records and generally get the party started. there were chocolate covered strawberries in there! we ate those up and then kept on dipping whatever was handy. i chatted up richie and cole from top ten and they were just as friendly as they look. thank you for the ciggarrettes. we found out later that richie is big time. he played in winona ryders and drew the cover to green day's dookie! whooda thunk? then it was time fer the show. we played ok to a bunch a people who at best thought we were ok. top ten was rulin as always but they said it wasn't their best show. next we were to meet michael from the cynics. he definately thought we were more than ok. not me so much, me he called a whore cuz i gots the face aids, but sean alex and lee were hot stuff! seans the cute one is now the official party slogan. i hung out at the bar and got free drinks from a guy who was chattin erin up and my cheeseburger never came. meanwhile lee got dry humped and fondled all over the bar. it was as if a gay lee from the future came back to treat himself the way he would like to treat others. our appetites are never quieted however so we went to track down the most mysterious of sandwiches. we dont know what the place was called but it's open all night and they got cole slaw and french fries inside the sammy. i got the spicy sausage that paul said was his favorite and owlx got roast beef so we split'em up. the hot sausage was definately better but they both were pretty good. owlx remained unimpressed. how was your sandwich sean? it was a ham sandwich that was good. the cole slaw made an interesting addition. after eating i think it started to rain a little and we went back to paul's. alex and i slept in the van and lee and sean went inside. i guess a couple people still were chillin but it wasn't anything to write about (although i just did). i love falling asleep to the sound of rain inside a car.

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