Sunday, April 8, 2007

notes from the thirtyseven

Your old pal Sean is gonna try and get this here last blog done for the day.
So where are we? Milwaukee? Hmmm...yesterday, let's see if I can russle up some memories.
We woke up in Dan, Adie, Brian and Shannon's plush little pad, did the shower thing and got ready for a feast of the ages! In order to prepare for our mighty meal Dan, Shannon and I walked to Midget Mart. Everything was tiny! It was a store made for little people! We had to duck our heads to get in their little hobbit hole...just kidding. We're not sure why it was called Midget Mart, but the food we bought made for a large meal! Adie cooked us sausage, potatoes and french toast! Yum, yum yum. Yum, yum, yum. Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum. We listened to records for most of the morning, switching off our new gems with some stuff the housemates had. We discovered a band called The Resonars (Matt Rendon from The Knockout Pills) who were REALLY great! I gotta get all their records now! So after we filled our ears with good tunes and bellies with good food we made our way to The Lakeshore Brewery. Beer was consumed. A tour was held by a fellow named Nitro. He liked beer. A lot. Too much in fact. So he gave a tour of the brewery, sang songs, made quips, talked about hops and barley and things of that sort. T'was OK. Alex and Lee said there were girls dancing and waving their butts in the air on top of tables, but I didn't see any of that go down. Must've been good times though! So at the end of the tour we got free pint glasses from the Brewery and took a drive to a bar. We went full circle from the beer being made to the beer being served. The bar smelled funky, but they had free popcorn and they gave me a free cranberry juice, so that was cool. There was also a plaque on the wall that said we were official citizens of Kokomo, Indiana while we were in the bar. Not sure why or how, but it was nice to be included anyway. After the bar we went to the grocery store where Dan (not our Dan) bought supplies to make sushi for us! Back at the house we listened to some more records and chatted a bit in the living room. Lee rolled his first sushi thing and did a fine job on the first one (but fuuuucked up the second with the help of Dan and Alex). We also watched the new episode of Lost which was OK, but what about Locke's dad?! And Jack? Come on! Don't bring that Other back to your camp, she's obviously a plant! Stupid. Anyway, we left for the show which was to be held in someone's basement down the street, called The Vault. There were a bunch of locals there, which was nice to see. But we were unsure whether they would have any of our pop music. Chinese Telephones played first and were awesome! Banner Pilot from Minnesota played second, they were good too. Both bands were more of the punk variety so we were sure our songs about little kitties and birthday suits were going to be met with odd stares and cold shoulders. Not the case though! It was a GREAT show! P'rolly my favorite of the tour. Jen from San Pedro randomly showed up, t'was nice to see a familiar face so far from home. The people of Milwaukee danced and cheered and got naked! Well, one guy did during Birthday Suit. I guess he's known as The Naked Guy, that's his schtick. So he was completely naked up front with us while we played Birthday Suit and it was awkward and funny and he gave me a hug after the show. It was bound to happen someday I guess! So everyone enjoyed themselves, we played for 45 minutes or so and then met some really cool locals like one of the guys from The Mystery Girls and one of the dudes from Tuff Bananas and a bunch of other friendlies. Sorry, I'm bad with names so people are referred to as "guy", "dude" or "hey you!" It was a great show though, we had a blast and instead of partying with everyone else we headed back to Adie's house and chilled for a bit before going to bed. From here on out we will officially be known as The Party Poopers.

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