Monday, March 12, 2007

notes from the ten

Alex Again. Agree. Angst. Arm. Artichoke. Spelling!
So it has been a few hours since I have seen this screen. There is some Make-Out Party musics going on in the background and Travis is recording some tambourine (or Tambo as I have come to call it). "Yesterday?" You ask...Well we recorded of course!
My day started off with Lee in the shower and me needing to urinate. Though it would have been neat to spell my name in the snow, I felt it was much too cold. Anyways! We headed to the studio and I was a bit saddened to hear that there was not going to be a diner-breakfast. Travis bought some bagels and two types of cream cheese. If this blog seems like it's taking forever, which it shouldn't, it's because I keep having to record percussion stuffs. One Egg-Shaker and some fancy glass work by Dan recorded! Where was I? Oh yes, the two types were regular and salmon. The latter, I didn't care for too much, but it tickled everyone else’s fancy. Afterwards Dan received some tea I believe and got down to some vocals. As he was doing that, we were to be extremely quiet. Which, of course, we weren't. Five 'o clock came round and it was time for an amazing dinner at Travis' girlfriend Georgia's mom's house. Got that? It was incredible. Soup with like twenty-nine things in it, some pizza-ish pizza, salad, and a Beach Boys dvd. Perfection one might say. After dinner we talked fer a bit. A lot of weird stories and jokes. Somethin 'bout Georgia's mother going to a dance at an insane asylum. Then Lee started having, what I thought, was an extremely odd, yet spiffy, conversation with Georgia about ghosts. Seems that there had been two in the basement where we are staying. No worries everyone, they left awhile back. We then headed back to the studio so Dan could finish up some vocal left over from earlier.
Again with the “must be quiet” routine. I think Dave, our engineer, was calling us jackasses, for we were being extra silly after our dinner. Maybe he was joking, but I really couldn't hear him over our gigglefest. “Fingle doesn’t dopple?” had made another hilarious return. Thank you MST. Dan recorded the greatest 1st take of his life when he sang on our cover of mickey dolenz's song – Huff Puff. Lee has just pointed out that Georgia’s mother is named Anne. Sorry me forgety. We stopped at eleven and headed home. Also an interesting little factoid - We found out that Minnesota does not really sell beer on Sunday. With a lil help from Brain Fever, we tracked some down. Home/conversations/drinky/mst3k episode/sleep. And let us not forget Lee’s great phone call to Ron of Henderson aka Lord Dragon. Everyone cross their fingers now and hope that he will be able to paint our record cover. Okie dokie, me done. I’ll be back another day. Love and kisses!
ps. hiya mom

1 comment:

Nana! said...

Im happy to hear you guys recorded that Mickey Dolenz song! :)

way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!